Enter, Uta

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• No One •

"Eunmi? Would you be a dear and take the cookies out from the oven?! The banquet will be starting soon!" Jounha called from her room. "Alright!" Eunmi said before she got up from the table and grabbed the oven mittens from the kitchen. She slid on the mittens before opening the oven and taking out the tray of cookies. Carefully she had placed it on the island in the kitchen and removed the mittens. And suddenly her father walked into the kitchen. "Hi Appa.." Eunmi greeted. "Eunmi, you're still here?" He asked as he ruffled her hair a bit. "Well I'm about to head out soon.. it's a very important thing for school.." She said with a lie. "I see.. you've been getting back and fourth on your mood kiddo.. it's a little concerning" he said with a concerned look on his face. A father can only worry about his child right? "I'm fine.. I think I've just been stressed out" Eunmi said as she scratched the back of her neck. "You're already promoting.. and you're going into a bigger pool than that little pond of middle school.. I can see why you're so stressed.." he said as he retracted his hand. "Yeah.. and on top of that there will be other students to compete with.." she said as she looked away from her father.

"Ya know.. you could always talk to me or your mother.." he said. "I'm fine.. and I know appa.. anyway I gotta go.. I'll see you guys later.." she said as she gathered her bag and phone before leaving the house, and rather in a hurry. He sighed in defeat as he looked over to the freshly baked cookies before hearing his wife's footsteps. "Are we doing something wrong Jounha?" He asked. The short haired ravenette hummed softly as she walked up beside him. "I'm not even sure myself.. she's been awfully distant now hasn't she.." she said. He crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at his wife. "Do you think something's going on..? Something deeper than just stress and school work?" He asks.

"Kenji.. we both know it's more than just that. It is our daughter after all.. maybe she's just going through a phase..?" She replied. Kenji sighed before he held her hand gently. "Maybe.. but it's just hard to see her this way.. I mean maybe we shouldn't allow her to train at such a young age. Maybe we should give her more time" he said. "But she's so determined! And she's quite the prodigy.. but the thing is. Her determination seems heavily field for someone who's only intrigued in learning new things.. lately it seems as if she's training to fight for her life. I mean that's the point but.." she began. "It seems as if she has a cross to bear.." Kenji finished causing Jounha to sigh. "Yeah.. I think Mei's incident really fueled something.. and I'm afraid it may be unhealthy" Kenji added. "Nothing is unhealthy about protecting who you love.. but.. you do have a point.." Jounha said as she leaned against his shoulder. "I just wish she could talk to us.." she added with a saddened look on her face. "I'm sure that she's fine.. she's a tough kid.. she is our daughter after all.." Kenji said pecking the top of his wife's head lovingly. "Come on now, or we will be late. And I don't wanna hear Marude nagging and bragging about his precious bike. Especially when mine is better" he said with a grin. "You boys and your competition over motor things..." she said with a chuckle as the two readied themselves.

Meanwhile, Eunmi awaited Touka and Ayato at the train station, exchanging messages with Touka before she got a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see the two in their casual clothing and well Touka dragging Ayato by the ear. "Eunmi, seems like you're early" she said with a smile. "Always.. I'd hate to leave anyone waiting.. so about this friend of yours?" She asked. "His names Uta.. and he's going to be helping you with your mask. Just don't be too freaked out, he is quite different" Touka said. "He's pretty cool.." Ayato said with a shrug. Eunmi nodded before the trio had walked into the designated train to go to their destination.

"You guys try not to cause a ruckus, I know you guys can get bored but just keep yourselves where I can see you if you do wanna sit somewhere else" Touka instructed. Eunmi simply nodded as Ayato shrugged his shoulders. Eunmi had decided to keep a seat behind Touka and Ayato followed Eunmi. Eunmi unlocked her phone and she plugged in her earphones to it before glancing at Ayato who was shutting his eyes for the ride. Eunmi hummed slightly to herself before she gently nudged him, causing him to grunt in some irritation but then he opened his eyes to look at her. She offered one of her earphones and hesitantly he took it and placed it into one ear. She placed the other into hers and searched up videos. "What are you in the mood for??" She asks. "I dunno.. I'm just bored.. you okay something interesting" he said. Eunmi rolled her eyes before she selected one of the videos, of course it was a criminal investigation. "You and your weird murder crimes.." he mumbled. "It's interesting! Just shush!" She whispered. He slightly chuckled but payed attention nonetheless and slowly found himself to be intrigued too yet a bit disturbed. In its own way added more to his disgust towards humans, with the cruel details of the cases and the victims.

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