Ready To Rumble

7 2 4

• Eunmi •

"This fucking sucks.. I wanted to have a go at him.." Ayato muttered as he eyed Haru who was across from us, talking with Nanami. "This is for my own sake.. besides, I bet you two bump heads so much, you guys would do it anyway" I retorted as I tied my hair into a ponytail. "Yeah, but you have permission to do it.." he sighed. I rolled my eyes as I stretched my arms across my chest and lightly bounced on my toes. "Say.. where's Ren? I'm sure he wouldn't wanna miss out on this" I asked. "He's making sure his camcorder is charged.. he wanted to record everything" he said, causing me to chuckle. "To be quite honest.. I'm pretty sure I'll have my ass handed to me, I mean he is a full fledged ghoul who's known this all his life just like you guys. I've only started training months ago" I said. He gave me a look of what seemed to be utter confusion and irritation. "Why in the fuck would you say that? You're going to annihilate his ass, and if you don't I'll do it for you" he said. "I didn't say I was gonna lose however, I have no intention of simply allowing defeat. This is more of a test of sorts, and to see what he is truly made of" I said before Nanami signaled for me to step forward along with Haru.

"Wish me luck.." I said with a smile, Ayato giving me a smirk in return. "You won't need any.. you got this" he said. I nodded as both Haru and I stepped in the center of the area, Nanami standing in between us. "Now.. you two know the rules. No killing each other, and no injuries leading to that fatality.. Call it more of whoever calls out for mercy ultimately surrenders. I won't be alone in handling you two if push comes to shove got it?" She said, causing both of us to nod in agreement. "Good.. now please, don't go too far" she said with a bow before stepping away from the grounds. "Eunmi.. I just-" I cut Haru off immediately, sending a flying kick towards his head but only for him to block it with his forearm. "Now isn't the time to talk Haru.. with all do respect" I muttered as I flipped over to my other leg moving it into a kick, but he dodged instead. Landing on my feet I saw him go for a punch and I managed to dodge it on time before going in for a counter strike, at attempts to strike at his throat, only for him to grab my wrist and kick me in the chest. I coughed slightly, ripping my wrist from his grip as I then dashed forward, both of us throwing punches left and right.

"Not too bad, but I can do better than you.." he said before he managed to pull my extended arm and flip me over, but I managed to flip over and use my legs to swing around his neck and slam him to the ground with me. "You were saying..punk?" I muttered as he hissed with a bit of a pained expression. "I'll show you then.." he said with a slight grin, his eyes shifting from his normal violet eyes to those of a ghoul. And in almost a split second, I felt tendrils, gripping my legs and wrists and throwing me against one of the pillars.

I hissed at the impact but nonetheless I stood up, seeing his purple and red semi thin appendages, lifting him up into the air and launching himself at me. I leaped forward, avoiding the attack and decided that I cannot even hope to beat him without using my own Kagune. I felt my right eye shift, and now I can feel my Kagune emerge from hiding, ready to finally have some action. "That.. that actually hurt I'll give you that" I mumbled as I kneeled slightly, readying myself  for his next move. His tendrils had moved swiftly like whips to capture me as I kept dodging and cutting through as much as I could. But as to terms of fuel, I barely managed to start eating humans, clearly I cannot compare to the likes of Haru in terms of usage in Kagune. I huffed in annoyance, I would have to rely more on my close combat skills despite my Kagune is meant to be used. Though, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to see what I can do with it properly. I then started shooting out projectiles from my Kagune, but he managed to easily block them and avoid them. "You're too slow Eunmi!" He said as he launched his tendril at me. I clicked my tongue slightly as I avoided his grasp. I recalled on reading something of my mothers files while she was away.

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