On the Edge

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• Nobody •

"Okay, looks like everyone's counted for- oh wait.. where's Eunmi?" Nanami said as she looked toward Touka, Ren, Haru and Ayato. "She said she had to be home soon, her parents have been on her about being home more.." Ren said nonchalantly. "Besides, she looks exhausted most of the time, it'll probably better so she doesn't hold us back" Ayato said bluntly, earning a smack from his elder sister. "Don't say that crap! What is your problem?" She scolded. "She would agree with me, she hates to be the cause of no progress being made.." Ayato retorted with a glare. "Enough!.. anyhow, let's just get things started while I try to check on her" Nanami said as she pulled out her cell phone and walked a distance away where she would hopefully get more reception.

As of lately, Eunmi began to not attend much of their training sessions. Granted she never missed a beat and seemed to come up with something new each time she joins them, but she was indeed exhausted more than usual. Nanami just hoped she wasn't falling ill or wasn't overworking herself. She scrolled through her contacts before she finally found 'Eumi' with a smiley face beside the nickname she placed as Eunmi's contact. She clicked on it and started calling her immediately. She waited, listening to at most four rings before she finally heard it stop. Eunmi had heard the phone ring as she drank water from the water bottle she had in her bag, finishing a sparring session with Shinohara. As soon as she grabbed it, she saw Nanami's contact. "Eunmi speaking!" Eunmi said as she moved herself out of the training room and into the hallway. "Hey kiddo, where are you? I thought you'd be joining us today" Nanami asked. "Oh.. my parents have been telling me I should be home more.. they've been really worried with increase of ghoul activity. I believe Aogiri is what they're talking about" Eunmi said leaning against the wall.

"I've heard of them..I guess they're right on having you be home more often" Nanami said but she couldn't help this feeling she got. She felt as if there was something being held back from her. "Well, I certainly hope you're not falling too far behind.. be careful" Nanami said. "I will, trust me. And I won't fall behind, not really in my nature to be that way.." Eunmi said before she heard the sound of slippers headed toward her. "Well hello there~" The recently graduated investigator Juuzou Suzuya spoke. "Eunmi? Who is that?" She questioned hearing his voice. "Just somebody talking.. I gotta go, I'll see you guys tomorrow" Eunmi spoke, admittedly a little too quickly than what she intended. "See you.." Nanami said as they both hung up the phone.

Nanami grew suspicious over her behavior, especially now than what it was previously. She figured she would have to try to see what's been going on with Eunmi, and see if she ever needed help or perhaps. Was she in trouble? Was she giving out information about them? Nanami shook her head at the thought as she looked towards the boys sparring against one another. She figured it wasn't possible, Eunmi had grown very comfortable, and even trusted them to the fullest extent. She could never do something to destroy such a trust that was placed upon her. Nanami had a feeling, it was neither good nor bad, but it kept her on her toes. She merely sighed as she looked toward her stomach and placing her hand over it. She knew she shouldn't worry much about it, and she knew stress was no good especially when carrying a child. For now she will simply push it away until this unfolds somehow. "Hey! Don't kill each other! Don't use your kagune's yet, you're barely warming up!" Nanami scolded, seeing Ayato and Haru already going at it, their Kagune on the brink of exposing.

"He fucking started it!" Ayato shouted. "That is untrue! You started it first!" Haru argued as he crossed his arms over his chest. Nanami sighed as she placed her hands on her hips. "Listen! No usage of Kagune's until I say so, got it? Unless the both of you really want to push it with extra lessons" Nanami said with her right eye exposing itself to black and red. The two felt a chill down their spines as their Kagune'a retracted back into their bodies and stood a distance away from each other.

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