Ultraman Trigger x Arrowverse(AU) Idea

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Ultraman Trigger

Ultraman Trigger

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After the Crisis of Infinite Earths and Oliver Queen's sacrifice, the Earth-1 were merged with other Earths including Earth-38(Supergirl's World) and became Earth Prime. While Earth Prime enjoyed a peaceful lives while dealing new threats like Armageddon, there was another, similar but different Earth that survived the Crisis.

This is Earth Prime Neo, a world similar to Earth-Prime but the origins was altered such as Oliver Queen wasn't alone when the Gambit sunk. His girlfriend Dinah Laurel Lance, their bestfriend from Central City Barry Allen and his colleague & biochemist, Dr. Caitlin Snow were also there as the 4 survived the hellish survival in Lian Yu in 5 years including Barry survive a lightning strike which received a fast lightning ability & Caitlin awoken her icy persona known as Killer Frost within her. Kara Zor El, a Kryptonian girl crash landed to Lian Yu 2 years ago instead of the Danvers family, before they were rescued and returned home.

Together, the 5 formed their secret, heroic vigilante team to fight evil & save the people in which Oliver became Green Arrow, Laurel became Black Canary(due of sonic scream ability that nicknamed as Canary Cry), Barry Allen became the Flash, Caitlin became Frost and Kara became Supergirl.

However, there was a new threat in a form of 3 dark giants called, Hundram, Darrgon & Camearra awoken from the same island of Lian Yu & threaten the humanity and the world but luckily, a giant of light who sealed the 3 dark giants also awoken to combat the threat. The giant named...is Ultraman Trigger.

My Thoughts:

I finished watching Ultraman Trigger and despite some flaws, the story was great and the fight scenes were improved better along with Ultraman Z than previous Heisei Phase II Ultra series(Ginga to R/B, with the exception of Orb & Geed). A fitting tribute to Ultraman Tiga, one of the best and my favorite Heisei Ultraman series. Also, the theme song was an epic and badass!

I chose Arrowverse a crossover for Trigger but in AU because in real-life, the CW cancelled the shows except The Flash due of the upcoming Season 9 and Superman & Lois show because the story and family drama was great. Even before Crisis on Infinite Earths, the shows like Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl has been divisive due of superhero show turned into a soap opera drama which some people including myself disliked it.

This AU of Arrowverse shows what if Arrow, The Flash & Supergirl(some elements of Superman & Lois also there) set in the same universe but different origins but with an Ultraman twist.

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