Spider-Man(Ultimate Spider-Man Version) x Arrow Idea

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Spider-Man(Ultimate Spider-Man Version)

Spider-Man(Ultimate Spider-Man Version)

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(Note: I'm gonna mixed some elements from other Marvel medias about Spider-Man like the OG Spider-Man animated series, Spectacular Spider-Man animated series & MCU)

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(Note: I'm gonna mixed some elements from other Marvel medias about Spider-Man like the OG Spider-Man animated series, Spectacular Spider-Man animated series & MCU)


The normal life of Peter Andrew Parker(OC), an ordinary geek boy changed when during a school trip in STAR Labs, he was bitten by a genetic altered radioactive spider which gives both superhuman-like and spider abilities. At first, he used this to make money for himself but a tragic death of his uncle and only parent Ben Parker made him orphan. He was later adopted by Uncle Ben's friend Detective Quentin Lance and his daughter, Dinah Laurel Lance.

All was well until Oliver Queen, a man who thought to be dead 5 years ago in a shipwreck due of a freak storm, returned alive and the following days, a mysterious bow wielding vigilante known as "The Hood" began his crusade of justice against the corrupted people and criminals who poisoned the city.

Inspired by his heroic vigilantism, Peter dons his own superhero suit as a web crawling vigilante to stop crimes and save the civilians. He become something else.

He become....Spider-Man.

My Thoughts:

My mind got me idea after watching some clips of Arrow from Season 1 & 2.

Imagine The Hood/Green Arrow meet Spider-Man in the same city with different motives. One is his crusade of justice against the corruption who poisoned the city and the other fight crimes while saving innocent civilians. That would be one heck of awesome crossover fanfic.

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