Mobile Suit Gundam x Cross Ange Idea

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Mobile Suit Gundam

Mobile Suit Gundam

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Cross Ange

Cross Ange

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Decades after Earth was devastated by an escalated wars that destroy its planet as humanity left the shattered home world and move to Mana, a seemingly utopian planet with magic-like powers where they lived in peace. However, a young man discovered he was descended by Old Human, a race from Old Earth(the real Earth) and a Norma, a race of women rejecting its Mana powers that they were subjugated of racism by the people of Mana.

While running away from the anti-Norma police, he was stumbled an abandoned building and discovered a giant humanoid-like robot. He use it to escape and landed on Arzenal, a special base of Normas riding a weaponized robots known as Vilkiss to defend its based and Mana from a flying creatures known as DRAGONS. Armed with a new role and a new destiny, the young man & his robot codenamed "Gundam" will fight against DRAGONS to defend itself but soon, revelations & secrets about the Normas, DRAGONS, Mana & Aura will shake not just him but to others as well.

My Thoughts:

Since Cross Ange anime was made by the same people from Gundam series, this idea has been in my mind for a long time and now, I finally add this as future potential fanfic.

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