"And kids." Camila added, though she phrased it more as a question.

"Sure," Y/N laughed. Camila wasn't sure if she was agreeing with her or brushing her off. "This can be ours some day." Y/N leaned in and connected their lips in a sweet kiss.

"I'd love that." Camila smiled. "And I love you."

"I love you," Y/N kissed her again before tugging her closer to her. "You wanna dance with me?"

"Okay," Camila smiled. "With what music?"

"We'll make some," Y/N winked and began humming while twirling Camila around.

Camila smiled when she realized what Y/N was doing. She was trying to reenact the dancing in the street scene from The Notebook.

"Do you think quoting my favorite movie will get you laid?"

"No," Y/N smirked. "I know I'll get laid either way. You're always horny."

"Oh, shut up," Camila lightly smacked her girlfriend's arm. "But..." Now it was her turn to smirk.

Y/N picked up on her hint, knowing what the look in Camila's eyes meant. "See, always horny."

"Stop," Camila whined, dragging out the word. "Do you wanna have sex or not?"

"Oh, I do." Y/N kissed her. "But, I kinda promised Dalton we wouldn't fuck in the house. Since it's still for sale and all."

Camila figured this Dalton was Y/N's real estate friend and went along with it.

"Well, did he say we couldn't fuck in your car?" Camila raised an eyebrow, and bit her lip.

"No, no he did not." Y/N bent down and slid her hands under Camila's ass, picking her up.

Camila let out a little yelp, but nonetheless wrapped her legs around Y/N's waist, smiling as she was carried out to Y/N's car.


The two lay in the back of Y/N's black G Wagon. Camila used to think the car was unreasonably large, but now she had no complaints.

She was curled up on Y/N's side, smiling as her girlfriend brushed her fingers up and down her bare arm. Camila, as she usually did, was tracing the tattoos on Y/N's stomach.

"Tell me about Cuba."

"I already told you what I remember."

"Tell me again." Y/N insisted. "I like hearing about it."

Camila smiled. It honestly warmed her heart that Y/N wanted to hear about Camila's background so much. She even started picking up on some Spanish when overhearing Camila talk with her mother.

She loved that Y/N would ask her questions about her family and culture. It showed Camila she cared.

Camila had always had a hard time because she never really knew if she should talk about her background. She wasn't ashamed by any means but she didn't want people to think the only characteristic she had was being an immigrant. The fact that Y/N encouraged her to talk about it, and ensured her that she wanted to know as much as she could, made Camila feel more comfortable in her own skin.

She had never felt that she couldn't talk about this with Lauren. She just knew that Lauren sometimes felt "less Cuban" since she wasn't born there and has never been. It was something her and Camila talked a lot about. In turn, Camila almost felt rude for talking about her experiences when she was younger.

"We had a goat."

Y/N broke out in laughter.

"What? We did."

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