²³†Max Mayfield†

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All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

You watched, eyebrows furrowed in confused, as Steve stood up and began to undress, the boat swaying from side to side on the dark water. You noticed the heads turned upward as his shirt came off, you also noticed the darker patch of unruly fur covering the top half of his chest, the only way you could describe him was as a more humane looking werewolf; the bright glowing moon behind him did not help his case. And his hairiness did not go unnoticed by the others.

"When'd Steve get so hairy?" Lucas grimaced as he stared at him through a set of binoculars and you nodded at him, from the other end of the line that you had created, in agreement. 

"Right?" Dustin declared and Lucas lowered the binoculars as he turned to face him. "I keep telling him that he needs to tame that jungle," he stated as he motioned to his chest, "but he claims the ladies dig it." You could hear just how unconvinced he was and it was laughable, you scoffed beside him, amused at Steve's claim. The three of you looked back to watch the boat, when Max stepped forward.

"Let me see," she asked, but she was already pulling the binoculars from around Lucas's head. You all turned to her, silently watching in slight confusion, as she held them to her own eyes and the three of you all shared the same look. Lucas looked from Max to the boat as she stood there staring through them and when Lucas looked at you all you could do was shrug. You heard a loud splash and Steve was gone, your eyes widened.

"Did Steve just?" 

"Yup," Lucas answered you, popping the 'p'.

"You guys realise," Dustin began, "if there's a gate down there, it's technically a water gate." He turned to Max and Lucas with a big smile on his face and they both shook their heads before turning away. "Watergate," he said with more excitement, but their reaction didn't change so he turned to you where he mouthed the words 'Watergate'. You gave him a small smile before patting him lightly on the shoulder. 

You didn't like being on the shore, watching, waiting for something to happen and you could tell the others didn't like it too, fidgeting with their hands or their clothes and shifting on the balls of their feet. Steve had been under for much longer than any of you could hold your breath, you couldn't really tell how long he'd been under, but it felt like a long time. You swallowed nervously and the others, on the boat, were staring down at the dark water.

"Come on, Steve. Come on." You heard Dustin whisper hopefully as he looked through the binoculars. A beep followed by static caused you all to look back and there you saw flickering lights from many, many torches. Your heart began to pick up pace, beating nervously as Lucas instructed you all to go down. You crouched against a fallen tree as you heard them get closer and your wide eyes met Max's; goosebumps littered your skin as she searched yours with her own and you could see that she was thinking of a way to get you all out. Robin's voice came through Dustin's walkie-talkie and he quickly turned the knob and her voice disappeared. 

"Cops," Max pointed out as you all watched them edge closer, you could feel the shakiness in your breath and you clenched your jaw. You heard Lucas mumble before stating something more clearly.

"We can't let 'em find Eddie." Your eyes flicked to Max and you saw her plan come together and you let out the breath that you didn't know you were holding.

"Stay with me," she ordered everyone as she stood up, slinging her bag over her shoulder before running off. You all scrambled after her; one plan was better than none. She was leading you all, and the cops, away from the lake and then she stopped abruptly and you almost smashed into her. She steadied you with a hand on your shoulder and you all gasped for air, chests rising and falling quickly. "You two run," she instructed looking at Dustin and Lucas.

"Where?" They both replied sharply.

"Home. Your house, Lucas, we'll meet you there later," Max said hurriedly before they both ran off. Your eyes locked with Max's and you waited for her to tell you the next part to her plan. Your eyes darted back and forth from Max to the closing in lights when she didn't say anything. Did she not have a plan? You asked yourself with worry, but little did you know that she did in fact have a plan, she was just worried how you'd feel about it and a little nervous to ask you.

"What are we gonna do?" You questioned her as the cops were getting closer and closer by the second, your eyebrows furrowed in distress.

"Kiss me." Max whispered and your mouth fell open.

"What?" You questioned in disbelief a strong blush now covering your cheeks and you saw her eyes flick to the woods before focusing back on you. It had to be now or her plan would be all for nothing. Max spun you around so that your back was facing the officers and pressed her lips to yours and, though you were shocked at first, you felt yourself kissing back. Her hands on your hips and yours momentarily frozen midair from when her lips first met yours.

"Hey! You two, what're you doing here?" A cop shouted as all of the torches pointed at the two of you, like a stage light, and you quickly pulled away from each other.

"Nothing," the two of you answered, guiltily.

"It's dangerous here, a killer around, the two of you should be inside," the officer reprimanded you as he stepped closer and you gulped. "Nothing here, boys, just two girls," he stated talking into his walkie. "Come with me, I'm gonna get you home, it's not safe for the two of you here." 

And that was how you found yourself in the back of a police car on your way to Lucas's house, sharing a small smile with Max as you recalled the kiss.


Thank you so much for your amazing request!! I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to write it lmfao. 


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