¹²⩇Sadie Sink⩇

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Plot: Shattering exhaustion and frustration.

All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

You angrily tossed your keys onto the table and kicked off your shoes; you wanted to collapse, you needed to release, needed a release. Your coat felt too heavy on your shoulders so you quickly unzipped it, catching your skin in the metal you brought your finger to your lips and sucked on it harshly. Tears brimmed your eyes, you had had enough. You were finally tipping over the edge and everything and anything brought you closer to it. You irritably shrugged off you coat and it pooled at your feet, but that wasn't enough; you grabbed the coat off of the floor and threw it to the ground with force before kicking it. The coat slid across the smooth wooden floor and you huffed. You were blind, with rage and fury and annoyance.

You stormed over to your bed and grabbed your pillow, by the case, you smashed it against your mattress over and over again until you felt the burn in your upper arms. This is what you needed, this is what you wanted. To release all your frustrations and anger on the items around you. You flung the pillow across the room and it hit a frame, causing it to fall to the floor and shatter. You let out a deep breath through your nose and your hands were clenched in fists by your side. You grabbed another pillow and flung it across the room, hitting as many items as you could. You marched over to a vase and threw it to the ground. The ceramic shards flew across the floor, and hit the legs of furniture you owned, and the sharp sound echoed through your apartment.

Sadie was in her room, doing her own thing, when she felt the need to go and visit you. It wasn't like she missed you or anything; she had seen you earlier that day, but something, in the back of her head, egged her to drive to your place and visit you. She contemplated, it was dark out and late. She shrugged her shoulders; she could always sleep round. Tying her red hair back into a messy ponytail she grabbed her keys and was out of the door. Sadie stepped out into the dark, the chilly air prickling at her pail skin. Her arms wrapped around her and her hands rubbed at them, trying to keep warm. She quickly walked over to her car and opened the door. The car rumbled to life and soon she was on her way to you.

By the time Sadie arrived at your apartment, the car had warmed up. She looked through her window to see that your lights were still on. Sadie switched off her ignition and braced herself for the cold air; she pushed open her door and shut it behind her before locking it. She started to quietly walk her way up to your door, but the noises of shattering glasses and pained, angry frustrations stopped her in her tracks. She heard another one of your cries and she began to walk faster and faster until she broke out into a jog. She fumbled for the key you had given her and slots it into the hole before letting herself in. She quickly pushed the door closed and ran to you.

You had heard the car pulling up, you had heard the jingle of keys, you had heard someone shut the door, but that didn't stop you. Your anger fuelled your actions and fogged you consciousness. A bowl was in your hands when you felt warm arms wrap around your shoulders and you tried to shrug them off. "Let. Me. Go!" You commanded, but the arms didn't budge as they secured around you. You flailed in their arms. "Let me go!" You cried out again. "Let me go." You chanted over and over again. A hand stroked the top of your head.

"Shhh, Y/N. It's me, it's me. It's Sadie." A sweet voice hushed comfortingly. "Please calm down, you're going to hurt yourself." She whispered. You struggled and struggled until you were so vacant of energy you melted into her arms. Sadie slowly brought you down to the floor and laid you down on her. Tears streamed down your puffy, red face, but she didn't mind. "It's okay, you're okay." She muttered to you as she rid the tears off of your cheeks. Her finger's made their way to your hair and pulled out the tie, freeing the tension from the tight up-do. You cried into her until there were no tears left, and throughout you felt Sadie's hand playing with your hair; coaxing you into relaxation.

You were now silent, except the occasional hiccup jolting your body. Sadie looked down at you, you looked so small, so broken and her heart panged. She frowned sadly at you, she was meant to protect you, what happened? "You must be tired, let's get you to bed." She whispered. You nodded your head and she helped you up, she walked you to the bed and picked up a few pillows. You let out an exhausted sigh as Sadie tucked you in. You looked up and stared into her blue eyes. Your lips upturned in a soft smile.

"Thank you. Thank you, Sadie, for everything." You mumbled quietly. Sadie let out a quiet hum before crawling into bed behind you. Her body pressed up against your and her arm draped over your waist. You let your eyes close and your muscles relax.

"I love you so much, Y/N. Never forget that." Sadie lovingly told you.

"I won't" You promised. A few minutes later the two of you had fallen asleep; calm and at peace in each other's embrace.


Woo! Another Sadie Sink imagine! There's literally none of these, well none on Ao3. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to see you next update. Requests are still open. Sweet dreams xx

Also, I was scrolling through the internet, as one does, and I came across something rather odd...

Also, I was scrolling through the internet, as one does, and I came across something rather odd

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

...Honestly I have no idea what is happening there. And the part about scraping it off of the road 💀 Actually cracked me up xD It's so chaotic. Anyways, byee for now :)



Sadie Sink x Female Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें