¹⁰†Max Mayfield†

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Plot: Heartbreak and Ice cream, Part 3 (⁹†Max Mayfield†)


All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

El gasped and quickly pulled off the blindfold. Max was by her side in an instance.

"What happened?" Max questioned as she tried to comfort her.

"She saw me."

Your brother sat up and waved a hand in front of your face, "Y/N?" You looked up at him with wide eyes. "Are you okay?" He questioned in concern.

"I- I thought I saw someone." You mumbled. "I'm probably just tired." You added as you rubbed your eyes and yawned. Your brother left your room, silently, knowing that it was the end of your conversation. "Night." You whispered, but he was long gone. That night you dreamt of the face; you had seen it before, but where?

In the morning you decided to explore the town, it wasn't a very large town so it felt like a good idea; that soon changed after an hour of walking. You walked into every shop you could, and explored every alleyway. You made your way into a shop, it was quite small and there was no one else there apart from you and the one employee. You gave her a smile as you walked by and she smiled back. She had kind eyes and you felt at ease around her; even though you didn't know her.

Once you had walked past her, magnets clattered to the ground. Had you done that? Did you knock them off without knowing? It didn't matter. You quickly kneeled on the ground and started to pick them up, "I'm so sorry, gosh I'm too clumsy for my own good." You apologized.

"No, no, it's okay. It's not your fault." She convinced as she knelt down beside you and scrambled to pick them up. You smiled at her apologetically. You placed a magnet back onto the board, but it fell back down to the floor. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and you placed another, yet it had done the exact same as the other. The woman frantically stuck her magnets to the board to find that they no longer wanted to stay.

"I don't think your magnets are, well, magnets." You pointed out. "They've lost their stick." You looked to the woman, but she was lost deep in her train of thought. Suddenly, she grabbed the magnets off of the floor and stood up.

"Come with me." She told you with wild eyes.


~Time Skip~

You found yourself in the passengers seat of a complete stranger's car. Looking back on it, it wasn't the brightest moments of your life. She speedily drove into the woods and you'd be lying if you said you hadn't thought about dying that day. There were no other cars on the deserted road and she continued to drive further and further into the forest. She halted to a stop in front of, what looked like, an abandoned shack; she flew open the door and quickly walked inside, you following close behind her.

"Hopper!" She called out. "Hopper?" But she received no answer. Hopper? You had heard that name before. She slung open a shower curtain and you heard a deep howl and a high pitched squeal. You stood in a shocked silence as you stared at a nearly naked man.

"Joyce!" He bellowed with only a towel to cover his dignity. "Y/N?" He gaped. Realisation dawned upon you.

"Jim?" You gaped back.

"Hopper, look." Joyce told him, ignoring the awkward interaction between you and him, as she attempted to stick the magnets to the fridge. "It's exactly what I was telling you about." She said as the magnets fell to the floor with a clatter. "I think he's back." She blurted out.

"He? Who's he?" You questioned.

"No, he's not. He can't be, we fixed it. El, fixed it." He firmly told her, ignoring you. "And how do you know Joyce?" He quizzed looking at you.

"I don't..." You shrugged.

"You don't?" You could hear the concern in his voice.

"I didn't even know her name until you said it." You truthfully told him.

"And you got in the car with her?" He berated in disbelief. "Joyce, you've basically kidnapped a child!"

"No." Joyce denied. "She came with me willingly." She informed, but it didn't help her case. 

After a few more minutes of talking, Joyce had left the main room to collect her thoughts. As soon as she had left, the door swung open and two girls walked in. The four of you stood in silence as you all eyed each other. Max. She was still as breath taking as you remembered; with  her red hair cascading over her shoulders and her shining blue eyes and her perfect pink lips. 

"I promise you, this is not what it looks like." Jim assured, securing the towel even more around his waist.

"I- I need wash my eyes with bleach." Max murmured, blinking away from the sight. A middle aged, nearly, naked man was not what she wanted to see today or any other day for that matter. The girl next to her nodded in agreement. Your eyes widened, it was her. The face you had seen the night prior.

"You." You whispered as you stared at the girl. The girl stared back at you. "I saw you. I know I sound crazy, but I saw you last night, in my room-"

"-You're not crazy." The girl confirmed.

You sat unmoving on the sofa (couch), the two girls had just explained why, and how, you had seen El last night and you were at a lost for words. You were most definitely shocked. "I'm-" You started. "-I'm going to get some air." You breathed out. The door creaked as you opened the door. You walked out into the cool air and stared into the endless terrain of trees. You heard the door creak again, but you didn't move.

"Are you okay?" Max hesitantly asked. You nodded your head.

"I guess- it's just a lot to take in." You mumbled. You felt her stand beside you.

"I want to apologize." She blurted out. You turned your head to look at her. "For leaving you so quickly. It was rude of me." 

"It wasn't your fault." You smiled sadly, recalling the event.

"I know, but I still feel bad and I don't want to lose you. Ever again." She told you as she stared into your eyes. "I hope we can still be friends?" She offered hopefully. You nodded. 

"Forever and always?" A smile grew on her face at your words.

"Forever and always." She confirmed.


It's midnight and I don't even know what I've written, but I think it's suitable for a Part 3 so... I hope you enjoyed it! ALSO WOO! 10th chapter!!! Requests are still open! Have a wonderful morning, afternoon or night -ThisPerson :D



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