⁶⨯Ziggy Berman⨯

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Plot: The purple T-shirt.


All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

You sunk lower and lower into your seat as your mother slowed to a stop. She looked back to see your arms crossed over your chest and a pout on your lips; you heard your mother sigh. "No." You mumbled past your lips.

 "C'mon Y/N, it's your last year." She reasoned. "Just one more year and you'll never have to come back here again. When you get back, I'll take you somewhere special." She grinned as she wiggled her eyebrows. The corners of your lips upturned, so you looked outside the window in an attempt to hide it. "I see that smile, you can't hide that from me." She laughed. "Now off you go, I have to go to work." Grumbling, you grabbed your bag and opened the door to the car, "And remember Y/N, I love you, so much." Your mother softy said.

You felt it. Somewhere deep in your gut, the need to say it back. "I know, I love you too." You whispered before climbing out of the car and closing the door behind you. You waved your mother goodbye as she drove away. As soon as she was out of sight you felt a pebble hit you in the back of the leg; you winced and tried to soothe the pain, dropping your bag in the process. Your bag was quickly snatched from the ground and you were shoved to the floor.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here," Sheila's annoying voice rang through your ears, "the dirty Mutt." She scowled. 

"Leave me alone, Sheila." You spat as you pushed yourself up and faced her. "At least my parents actually married for love." You insulted, snatching your bag from her and storming away. You heard a few 'Oooo's' as you left.

You made your way to reception and rang the bell. "Name?" The woman dully asked.

"Y/N Y/L/N." Your replied. You saw her eyebrows rise slightly, in judgement, as she tapped on the keyboard.

"You're on the list, cabin five, make yourself at home." she told you. You thanked her before making your way there. You looked at the list of names and sighed, they were all Shadysiders. You didn't have anything against any of them, but they did have something against you. They resented your father, as he had gotten out of the hellhole they call home, and you were too much like a Sunnyvaler to fit in. You were stuck in the middle. The Sunnyvalers hated you, they saw you as a stain to their perfect, pure bloodlines. You rolled your eyes at that, what did they have against the other side? Your parents got along well, why couldn't they see that?

You stuffed your bag under your assigned bed before walking to the mess hall.

Time Skip

Color war. How you despised that game; running around in the dark like a lunatic. You were never much of a team player, much preferring the solo sports or games against one other person. You didn't mind pairs though, that was something you could tolerate. 

You walked out onto the grass and to the red t-shirts; you lived in Sunnyvale so it was the most obvious for you to wear that shirt. You sighed before picking one up, but before you could read the words it was snatched out of your hands and you were pushed to the ground. You pushed yourself up onto your elbows. "Not that one, you dirty Mutt." Sheila smirked, "This one." She chucked a purple shirt at you. Your jaw clenched in annoyance. You picked yourself up and grabbed the shirt.

"I'm quite surprised actually, am I that special to you that you purposely took the time to make me a special t-shirt?" You cooed. "And it's purple," You raised your eyebrows at the shirt before your eyes landed back on Sheila, "I didn't think you had graduated Kindergarten. Well done, Sheila, you can mix colours." You congratulated, causing a few snickers, before walking away. Your fist firmly clenched around the shirt.

You slammed the door open to cabin five; not caring about the noise as no one was ever in there. But this time there was. A red head, named Ziggy, jumped in surprise and shock, she wasn't expecting someone to come crashing into the room. She stayed silent as her eyes travelled with you. You hadn't noticed her, your mind clouded with fury. You knew it was nothing to get upset about, but the non-stop torment from Sheila was finally getting to you.

You flopped onto your bed and fumbled with the shirt. You held it up in front of you and read the words 'Dirty Mutt Y/L/N'. You scoffed before throwing it to the ground. Ziggy read the words on the shirt as well, but they were different to ones you had seen. "Is it true?" She curiously asked from the other side of the room causing you to freeze from fright. Your eyes flicked to her blue ones and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Her head gestured to the purple shirt laying on the floor.

"Umm well, I suppose. But I think the word mutt is a little harsh to describe people who are both a Sunnyvaler and a Shadysider." You rambled a blush covering your cheeks. You had noticed Ziggy around camp and would often look for her in a room; not in a creepy way of course. Though the two of you didn't talk a lot, you felt as if you were friends.

"No- on the other side." Ziggy interrupted. "It says something different." She mumbled. You glanced at the shirt and back to her before snatching it from the ground. You held it up once again to see the word. Just one word, but it stung. 'Dyke'. Your eyes prickled with tears and swallowing became more difficult. You felt a dip on the bed next to you and you quickly wiped the tears that were beginning to fall. You could feel Ziggy's eyes on you.

"Y'know-" She began, "-it's okay to be one, I won't mind." You could tell that Ziggy wasn't the best at comfort, but you felt safe with her and that was all that mattered. A tear slid down your cheek and Ziggy was quick catch it. Her hands cupped your face as her thumbs comfortingly rubbed your cheeks. "Look at me, Y/N." Ziggy softly spoke. You slowly looked at her. "I don't mind if you like girls because- because I like girls too." She confessed. You looked at her in disbelief. Ziggy Berman likes girls?

"You like girls? Wh- How did you know?" You whispered as you stared into her eyes. Your breath hitched as her eyes flicked to your lips and back to your eyes.

"You." She whispered back softly. Your could hear your heart thumping in your chest when she started to lean in. Her soft lips connected with your own and almost instantly you kissed back. You felt her pull away and you eyes fluttered open and you were met with shining blue eyes and dilated pupils. A contagious smile was displayed on her lips and you couldn't help but smile back.

"Ziggy Berman!" Both of your heads spun round to the door to see a wild Cindy. 


Yoo!- finally I have finished the other half to this imagine. Well, I tried. THANK YOU ALL FOR 500 READS!!! Sorry this took so long, but I'm running out of ideas lmao. No- please I'm running out :') Anyways... I hope you enjoyed :D See you next time -ThisPerson



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