
I glanced up at Jiyoung, only now noticing that she wasn't joining our gentle and calm battle (in order to not disturb the crabs) to find the second crab. Jaemin's crab had pinched him and leapt off his hand, in search of a new resting place, before we had managed to take a photo of it, but he was insistent that we find another crab to be his model.

I quietly left the rockpool and walked towards her, leaving them to their relentless hunt.

She had a stupidly cute grin plastered across her face as she looked over, watching my movements. 

I stopped a small distance away from her, though she quickly closed that gap with a cute hop. 

"Hi." Was all she said, that smile still present. 

Her antics made me laugh. 

I replied, "Hi." Then, "What's up with you" 

Her smile grew bigger, more genuine. "I'm happy, Hyuck." 

I snaked my hand into hers, feeling the temperature difference between our hands. Hers warmer from her pockets, mine colder from dipping them in the water. "Me too, Ji. Is there any particular reason?" 

She shook her head, "I don't really know. It just this-" She gestured to the surroundings in an arc. "-feels a little surreal and too real at the same time."

"I know a good remedy for that."  

She doesn't ask me outright, but I can tell she's curious by the slight raise of her eyebrows and glint in her widened eyes.

"You want to go in the sea, Ji?" I asked, grinning as she nodded eagerly.

She moved her hand up to my shoulder to balance while she stood on one leg. Her other hand began to pull off her trainers and socks. Soon she was standing barefoot in front of me. 

"Come on." She urged, bouncing with excitement. 

I copied her previous actions. 

"Let's go."

She took off. "First one there gets a wish from the loser." She called out to me, already a few metres away.

The mirth in her voice was clear as the sparkling ocean in front of us.

I chuckled at her excitement and sprinted down the uneven sand after her. 

I considered letting her win, but the competitiveness and desire to hold a wish over her won, and I reached the water first, splashing recklessly until the water was up to my knees. 

"I win."  I said turning to face her, the disappointment on her face was quickly overshadowed by joy. 

"That's not fair, you chea-"

"You're the one who started first, how on earth could I have cheated?"  I teased.

"Your existence is a cheat code. Like honestly, how can someone as..."  She trailed off, cheeks embarrassed about whatever she was planning to say. 

I cocked an eyebrow, enjoying her realisation. "You started; you have to finish that now." 

"Someone as incredible, amazing, perfect-" I opened my mouth to interject, "-for me," She added, "exist."

That was potentially the nicest thing anyone had said to me and seemed like they genuinely meant it. I bit my lip. How was I supposed to compete with this. I said as much. 

Nocturnal Sunshine - Lee DonghyuckWhere stories live. Discover now