47 - The Role You Were Born to Play

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A/n: Sorry for taking so long, i just came out to my parents and it didn't gp as planned but everything is okay now so here's a chapter for you guys, and again i'm sorry about taking so long

Your Pov

"Are you sure you are okay?" I asked Santana through the phone. I was in my car heading to one of the most popular night clubs looking for a job there, maybe being a DJ, working with the security, as a cleaning lady or at the bar. As you may know I got my first paycheck a week ago but I still need money because I am planning on buying a condo somewhere in Lima or maybe in New York, but I still need the money to make everything work.

"Yeah, I'm fine Y/n" she answered and I sighed in relief "If anything happens promise to call me" i said to her and she hmm in response "I promise" she said it back and i smiled "Te amo" we said together and my smile got wider. After a few more minutes talking and making sure she is okay and hung up the call. I took a deep sighed before I heard someone knocking on my car window, making me jump and let out a scream only to see Emmy laughing her ass off while leaning on the hood of the car.

"That was so mean" i said to her while getting out of the car and hitting her arm with a pout on my lips "That was hilarious. You should have seen your face" she said while holding her belly "Can you stop laughing?" I said while trying to hold in my own laughter.

"Come on, don't be a mad puppy" she said and tried to hug me but i kept moving away. She started calling me a mad puppy when we went to look for a job at the pet shop and a dog bit me so instead i started to bark at him and she started to laugh so since then mad puppy became my nickname.

"Let's just see if we got the jobs or not okay?" I said to her and she nodded, put her arms around my shoulder, which kinda looked weird since I was a little taller than her and we started to make our way towards the club. I adjusted my leather jacket and put on my sunglasses before we knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

"Hey, I'm sorry but we are not open yet" a woman said while looking at some papers "We are here to see if we got the jobs ma'am" Emmy said and i nodded, the woman looked at us and nodded before letting us in and closing the door behind her.

"What are your names?" she asked while putting her reading glasses on "I'm Y/n and she's Emmy" i answered back and she started to look for our resume "Oh! Here it is. You guys were approuve to be the new bartenders of the club" she says making me and Emmy look at each other with a grin on our faces.

"You will have to get here 10 minutes before your shift starts, which means half past ten and since you guys are going to be closing the club, you will have to clean everything up with the other employees" she says and we both nodded at her.

"Here are your schedules and please if you are going to miss work someday please wear us before your shift starts. You will get a tour of everything on your first day" she said and we once again nodded and signed the paper we needed to "You guys start working tomorrow, good luck" with that she left, going towards an office leaving me and Emmy by ourselves.

"Finally no more Ramen noodles for dinner when mom isn't home" i said in victory while putting my fist up in the air "And no more hearing you complaining about eating Ramen noodles when your mom is no at home" she says also putting her fist in the air, making me chuckle "Tonight we are going out and we are going to celebrate this" she says and i nod at her before we high fived each other.

"Hey, how's your boyfriend been?" i asked Emmy when we stepped into the bar, she put her jacket on the chair and sat on the stall, making me do the same thing "He's ....... something" she murmured and i ordered us two beers, the guys asked for our ID but we gave him the fake one, of course "What happened?" I asked her again and we opened our beers "His jealousy is increasing, he's getting more aggressive" she said and took a big sip of her drink.

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