39 - Dance with Somebody

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Your Pov

(You are watching everything from afar)

So another week, well me, my sister and my mom are really sad, why? Because Whitney Houston died and she was our muse, we always listened to her when we were cooking or dancing around but now she's gone. So when I saw Santana, Rachel, Mercedes and Kurt singing one of her songs I immediately jumped in the auditorium and watched them sing. After the performance ended I walked up the stage and hugged Santana closer to my chest and soon the other three followed us and got in the hug.

"You all did amazing" i said with a smile and rubbed Kurt's back "I just can't believe she's gone" Mercedes said and we all nodded "I know when we heard the news in my house all of us cried really hard" I said and San nodded "Yeah even Enzo" my sister added and we nodded at her "Speaking of him. How's the little bug?" Rachel asked and I grinned at her.

"He's super cool. I mean yesterday we were in the pool and he had this amazing idea to do a bra slingshot, so with a little practice we managed to throw a watermelon at the neighbor's house and it was awesome. He's a little genius" I said and Mercedes turned me with an amused smile on her face.

"Oh great another Y/n on this planet" Kurt says and i gasped in offense while still walking down the hall "Sometimes...your words...they hurt" i said and wiped a fake tear away while putting a hand on my chest "Wow, and I am the dramatic one" Rachel murmured and i turn to her with a pout "Look what you did you made my muchikin mad" Cedes says with a laugh and pinched my cheek.

"Stop" i said when she started tickling my stomach "I'm se-serious, st-top" i said while laughing my ass of but this only made Santana, Kurt and Rachel join the other girl and start o tickle me "Oh...my....god" i said between laughs, them pushed them away and started to run to the end of the hall "You can run but you can not hide missy" Kurt yelled and i giggle before disappearing at the end of the hall.

"Don't scream at me" I heard someone yell, it was a strong voice followed by a slap on the table "Please stop yelling" I heard another person say but this time I recognized the voice, it was coach Beiste. I frowned my eyebrows and decided to get closer so I could hear it better. I watched as she and some men argued over and over again which made me angry, because he was raising his voice at her while grabbing her wrist.

But when I saw him grab her wrist again but this time more harshly I decided to barge in "Is there a problem here?" i asked and they both turn to me "Y/n, go back to class" Coach said but ii didn't listen and continue to stare at the tall men "Let her wrist go" i said firmly and he just raised and eyebrow at me "You are hurting her, let her go" i said and this time i broke the two apart "I said let her go" i screamed.

"Y/n please go back to your class" Coach begged me again but this time i put myself in front of her so i could protect her "Listen to your Coach little girl" the men said and i clench my jaw "I'm not leaving her here alone with you" i said and Coach touched my arm "Please kiddo. I will be alright" she said with tears in her eyes and with a nod from her i looked at the man again and pointed my finger at him "if you hurt her, I will hurt you" i said and stormed out of the room.

"Shit I'm late" I said while looking at the clock on the wall. After that I went towards my car in the parking lot only to see Quinn already there waiting for me. "Hey babe, sorry for being late, I was talking to Coach Beiste" I said and pecked her lips .

"It's alright but maybe if you gave me one more kiss i will completely forget about it" she said with a smirk making me giggle. I then leaned own again and capture her lips in a tender kiss "Ummm...much better" she said and rubbed my neck, making me shiver "I love you" i said and started to help her with her wheelchair "Now let's go to physical therapy" i said once everything was ready. Quinn reached for her phone and put some music on making the both of us sing the lyrics out loud, practically screaming.

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