23 - I Am Unicorn

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So basically after all that happened Kurt and Mercedes came to talk to me saying that I was right and that from now on they were going to stand up for themselves too. They promise not to let Rachel bother me and Santana so I agree to come back. My sister is working on a plan so she can get back without Sue finding out because if she does, hell is going to get so worse that even the devil will be scared.

So right now before glee practise I was walking down the hall, more like running, because I had to find a bathroom and quickly and when I finally found one I heard some screams and laughter coming inside and that got me worried so I open the door and saw all of the skanks and Quinn in one stall while there was a girl, probably younger them me, on her knees with her brown hair wet and the toilet sit was open. I immediately scrunched my nose in disgust and went towards the girl. I push past the gang.

"What the hell is wrong with you all?" I screamed at them and gave my hand to the girl on the floor "We are getting our lunch money so if you excuse us" Mac said and gesturing me to leave and I scoffed "No way in hell i'm gonna let her alone with you guys" I told them and looked at Quinn "Why would you do this? This isn't you" I told her and she clench her jaw "No that scared little girl was not me. This is my true self" she screamed and I shook my head.

I looked at the brown haired girl and she was shivering since the toilet water got on her clothes. I pulled her up and took her to the sink with the skanks and Quinn watching every move.

"Are you cold?" I asked and she nodded. I grabbed some paper and tried to dry her hair. "Keep this here" I told her and she held the paper in her hand pressed against her hair. I looked around and saw nothing she could wear that was clean so I took off my shirt and put it on the sink then I grabbed the paper from her hand and threw it in the trash.

"Here put this on" I gave her my shirt and now I was only with my black tank top "Thanks" she said and I smiled "No problem. Listen, in my locker there are hair products and pants with clean socks. Get there and take it, then get into the girls locker room and shower. Here's the password for my locker" I got a paper and wrote it down then gave it to her "Thank you" she smiled and took the paper from my hand and left the bathroom and when the door closed my smile went away and I turned to the skanks.

"Why would you do this to her?" I asked them and they smiled, "We need more lunch money," a copy of Mercedes told me and showed the money she had already gotten. I fake a smile and a laugh while walking closer to them.

"Quinn I know this is a hard time for you but you don't need to take it out on other people, spatially some innocent girl who is probably in sophomore year" I told her and she looked away "You guys want to play the badass game. Fine let's do it" I told them and walked closer to the money and got it from her hands.

"What the fuck" some squini girl yelled and ran towards me with an angry face. She threw a punch at me and I dodge, pushed her against the wall and put my arm on her neck and looked deep into her eyes "Don't mess with me" I clench my jaw.

"This is now mine and you are going to shut up, lower your head and walk out of this bathroom" I told her and pressed harder her neck and she nodded repeatedly and from the corner of my eye I saw Mac coming towards me ready to punch me but before she could I held her wrist and turned making her fall to her knees.

"I thought I was clear about not messing with me" I said looking down on her. She had a pained expression on her face that almost made me feel guilty. "Walk away. Now" I told them and pushed the two girls to the bathroom door and the other two that were still inside ran after them "Stop right there Fabray" I told Quinn when i saw she was about to leave too "Come on babe, we were just having a little fun" she told me and i scoff.

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