Weird Fetishes

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"Waiting is the hardest part of this plan," I mutter, falling back onto my bed with Orla next to me

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"Waiting is the hardest part of this plan," I mutter, falling back onto my bed with Orla next to me.

"Then make yourself busy." She says before sitting up. "I, myself, am going to go hook up with the locals." She smiles, her accent shining through her words.

I raise an eyebrow from my horizontal position. "Which type of hook-up?" I ask, a half smile making it's way onto my face.

"I saw a guard earlier," She shrugs before standing. "He gave me the eyes." She says, causing me to snort.

"Okay," I chuckle, shaking my head. "Well, I'm going to go radio Raven."

"I think I saw a unit down the hall and in a storage closet." She says causing my face to crumple in confusion.

"How do you know that?" I ask, standing.

She smiles before saying, "The locals know all the good make-out spots." I shake my head at her words with a smile on my face.

"Go, before they all become corpses." I smirk.

"That's a weird fetish." She mutters to herself, causing me to laugh out loud.

"Go." I say again and she does.

I sigh before grabbing the walkie from under my mattress and the keycard before exiting the room.

I keep my head down and walk slowly towards the closet. I let out a breath once I realise that there are no cameras directed at it.

I swing open the door and lock it behind me. Very little light is let through the crack under the door, but it's enough to see the transmission box.

I smile to myself before reaching over and grabbing the cord for the walkie but I stop.

"Hailey." Cade's voice comes in through the walkie that he gave me.

My heart jumps in my chest before I grab it and answer him. "Yes?"

"My guards can't find you, so I'll just have to ask you this on the walkie," He begins. My breathing is fast and shallow, thinking that the whole plan is blown. "We're going to send a missile to one of the infestations of your people, so," I can hear his smile. "Which do you prefer, Ton DC or The Ark?"

I shut my eyes tight, guilt already pressing down on my shoulders. I click the button and answer, "Ton DC."

"Wonderful, now I'm assuming you're with Orla somewhere, so I'll let you be." He says before I grab my other walkie and switch channels.

"003," I mutter to myself before I plug it into the transmitter. "Raven?" I ask, but receive static. I shut my eyes, feeling my hope leave me. "Raven, please answer me. They're going to bomb Ton DC, you need to evacuate the area."

"Hello? Hailey?" A voice comes through.

"Clarke?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing. "Where's Raven?"

"She's out. What's wrong?" She asks.

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