There are no Gods Here

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song: kill of the night by gin wigmore

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song: kill of the night by gin wigmore

When I was a child, I was never scared of the dark. Well, at least not in the way that most people think. I wasn't scared of monsters or not being alone in the dark. It was that I already knew that I was alone in the closet that I was locked in as a child.

I was alone through everything, even though my sister and mother were always there for me. It was never the way that they hoped. I never felt supported. I felt like a burden.

But now, the dark is a comfort. No more steadying my breathing when inspections come. No more hearing my heart thud in my ears as a guard opens the closet.

I sigh and I move my flashlight towards old caravans, feeling lost in my thoughts.

"You okay?" Octavia asks, catching up to me.

I glance over at the darkness next to me, catching her figure. I nod absentmindedly. "It's just," I pause. "Guards have always irked me."

She nods. "Yeah, me too. I feel like since we were always terrified of them as kids, it'll always feel weird around them."

I nod, shining my light at another caravan. "Hey," I murmur. "I'm really sorry about Lincoln." I say, setting my hand on her shoulder. She had told me about his taking earlier.

She holds eye contact before looking away and nodding. "Yeah, me too."


"Did you find anything useful?" Bellamy asks walking up to us by himself.

I turn around to face him, shaking my head when my eyebrows furrow. "Where's the guard?" I ask, looking around.

"He gave me his gun and went off on his own." He responds before we hear a strange sound.

I turn around, grabbing my sword. "What is that?" I murmur.

Bellamy shakes his head before walking with Octavia and I. "It sounds like a music box." He mutters.

A squishing and crunching sound begins to overtake the melodies. "Bell, what's that?" Octavia asks, a slight tremor in her voice.

"What the hell?" I whisper, shining my light on the source of the sound. Onto the backs of a person. "It's a person."

"What?" Bellamy mutters, confused. "O..." He cautions as she takes a step forward.

"What?" She asks, stopping.

"Take this." He says, handing her a gun.

I tentatively take a few steps forward, but glass crunches under my foot, causing the man to turn around. A gasp leaves my mouth immediately.

I see Bellamy raise his gun but my hand shoots out, shoving it down.

"Stop." Octavia mutters, taking a few more steps forward. "It's Lincoln." She says as he stands up. "Lincoln!" She shouts as he begins to approach.

My heart begins to race as I notice his expression not changing. He still looks murderous. And he was eating sargeant Scott. Bile rises in my throat at the sight.

"Lincolns it's me! It's Octavia!" Still no recognition. I look over at Bellamy already finding him looking at me. Our expressions were panicked and desperate.

How could he become this? What caused this?

He continues to advance until Octavia fires a shot into his leg.

"Oh my god," I mutter, a gasp leaving my lips as he falls.

"I had to!" Octavia cries as her knees buckle. I run to her and engulf her in my arms.

"I know," I murmur, setting my hand on the back of her head. "I know." I continue as Bellamy walks forward and knocks him out.

"We need to get somewhere safe." He says, laying a hand on my shoulder. I look up at him and nod.

I help get her into a nearby car. I pile in after her with Bellamy following.

A moment of silence ensues before Bellamy reaches over and grabs my hand and squeezes. I look over at him before pressing my lips together. He already sees the tears hiding behind my eyes. I drop my head onto his shoulder and sigh.

"We have to help him, Bell." I murmur, playing with his fingers, lightly touching the scarring on his knuckles from his past years as a guard.

"I know." I murmurs.

"I don't know what I'd do if you..." I trail off imagining Bellamy in Lincoln's position.

He grabs my chin and looks into my eyes. "I'll always be here."

"The whole time?" I ask, a small smile finding it's way onto my face.

He sighs, a smile gracing his lips. "The whole time."

"I hate to break the moment, but Lincoln's awake." Octavia suddenly says, making Bellamy and I glance over at her.

"We'll get him back, O." I murmur.

She nods. "He's a reaper." She utters, causing my eyebrows to furrow. "How is it even possible, he just looked right through me? How he's just-?"

I reach over and grab her hand, making her look at me. "Don't think about the how, think about the who. Who did this? And who do we need to get back at for messing with us?" I enforce, determination in my eyes.

A small smirk makes its way onto my lips. "Because God help them."


shorter chapter but oh well

i hope you enjoyed the dramatic ending and hailey's murderous influence

she's so cool i can't

pleaseeeee eat and drink something



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