Oh How We've Changed

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song: it's okay by tom rosenthal

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song: it's okay by tom rosenthal

"Finn." I sob before dropping my sword and running towards him, my arms outstretched.

"Hailey." He gasps as I collide into him, his arms encircling me. "You're alive."

I nod, "I thought you were all dead." I pull back. "I saw the fire and I didn't know what happened."

His face falls, "We didn't tell you," He looks down.

I grab his chin, "No, no, it wasn't your fault." I shake my head. "You don't get to do that."

He hesitantly nods before turning to look behind him.

"Murphy." I say, my voice flat.

"Hey..." He says, awkwardly waving with a half-smile. "Umm, I should first say that..." He trails off. "I'm sorry," He murmurs, looking down.

My eyes narrow before I step towards him. My hand itches to grab my knife and slit his throat, but I don't.

"I should kill you," I breathe in, calming myself. "But, you've saved my life countless times, so consider this our dealbreaker," I say, trying not to let a small smile slip. "You're not even close to being off the hook though, you demented son of a bitch."

I see his eyebrows raise before they fall. "Okay, fair enough."

With a heavy heart, I turn to look at Finn. "Clarke?"

His eyes fall to the floor. My lip wobbles and I shut my eyes, dreading to ask the next question.


Finn catches my eye before nodding. "And he's worried about you, like he wouldn't stop bitching about you and Miloch."

My lips part and I stumble backwards, but Murphy throws out an arm to steady me.

"You mean, he's alive?" A smile graces my face when Finn nods.

"Yeah, he's back at the ark." He says before his eyes widen. "Hailey, your dad's here."

My happiness falters. "What?" My voice wavers. "What do you mean? I thought he died."

He shrugs, "He wasn't on the first ship, but when the ark came down during the battle, he was on it." He sighs before locking eyes with Murphy. "But, Murphy and I aren't headed back there," he begins. "We think that a grounder village has our people."

My eyebrows furrow before I look back at Miloch, the past information about my dad escaping me. Our eyes show the same question: 'what?'

"How do you know?" I ask.

He shrugs, "Who else could have taken them?" He asks rhetorically before looking back at Miloch. "No offence."

"I can assure you that my people don't have your people, I would know," Miloch says, crossing his arms.

"Well, either way, we're going to check."

I shut my eyes, trying to make sense of the information that I'd just received.

"You're not going alone." I sigh after a moment, opening my eyes to look at Miloch. "Can you go to the ark and tell Bellamy where we are?"

He presses his lips together before nodding. "Yeah, I can, but how can I be sure they won't attack me?"

I press my lips together, thinking before I unclasp the necklace that Finn made me. I hand it to him. "My dad will recognise it and Bellamy will be there."

My lips curve upwards in a small smile before I reach out with my hand to grasp his forearm.

"Mochof," Thank you.

He smiles, "Of course." He says, before adding, "Be careful, Hailey."

I nod before turning to Finn. "Lead the way."


As we walk, Finn goes on and on about how he, Murphy, and Bellamy all found a grounder that told them about this camp that was supposedly housing our friends.

My face screws up in confusion. "Wait, so why did Bellamy go back to the Ark?"

Murphy glances at me before looking back ahead. "He was called back by your dad."

"What? Why?" I ask. "Why would my dad do that? And why the hell would Bellamy listen?" I ask, gritting my teeth together.

Finn shrugs. "He made it sound like he needed to talk to him..." He trails off. "About you."

We continue walking in silence after I don't respond. I don't know how to respond. My dad is alive. Bellamy is alive.

And yet, I'm not happy. I want Clarke. I want Elliot.

I want to feel the air rush against my skin like it did when the dropship doors first opened. I want to run through the woods, carefree and weightless with my friends by my side.

"I just want to be happy," I murmur to myself, not thinking anyone would hear me since I'm a little far behind them.

I feel a hand graze my should tentatively. I glance up and see Murphy with a knowing look on his face.

He knows.

Without any hesitation, I wrap my arms around his torso, my face tucked into his shirt.

Wet, warm tears fall from my eyes and onto the cotton. "I don't know how to function, Murph." I gasp, trying not to let all the emotion out.

I feel him motion to Finn to keep going, while he hugs me tighter.

"I know, Hailey." He whispers. "It's never going to be easy, not now, not ever. But," he sighs, setting his head on top of mine. "You just have to live with it. It's what Elliot would want you to do."

I sniffle into his shirt, trying to stop my tears.

"He'd also want you to kick some ass." I hear him smile, causing me to crack a small grin. I pull away and wipe my eyes.

"I'm sorry, for everything," I whisper, staring up at him through my eyelashes.

His face screws up in confusion. "For what? I caused all the shit, Hailey, you did nothing wrong." He shakes his head before lighting pulling me into a walk beside him. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the cockroach in this friendship, okay? Not you." He smiles, causing me to laugh.

"Yeah. You smell too." I joke, shoving him away playfully.

He smiles, glancing at me sideways. "There's more to life than just pain, Hailey. Even though your life has been one painful wreck, remember the good moments, and if you can't," he smirks. "Just talk to me and I'll dunk you in the river like that one time I did it in the swimming pool on the Ark."

I smile. "Right, I remember that." I laugh. "It was the day before they were going to demolish it. We snuck in after hours." I shake my head, remembering the moment. "God how the times have changed."



i didn't quite know how to end this chapter, but I realised that basically I'm starting like three-ish episodes into the second season so... if you want an exact estimate of the time passed, there you go :)

anyway, i recently started a new book

it's about wilbur soot for all of my mcyt fans out there ;)

anyway, please go check it out <3

pleas eat and drink something,


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