Revenge Has Never Felt So Good

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"So,  do you have any idea of how to contact the Mountain Men?" Orla asks when I wake up

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"So, do you have any idea of how to contact the Mountain Men?" Orla asks when I wake up.

I rub the sleep out of my eyes while shrugging. "I'm assuming that they have cameras in the tunnels and if we can make it past the reapers, then we can talk to them." I say, looking at Riv. "You are going to stay quiet during that time." She struggles against the gag in her mouth.

"You're lucky that you're infamous to them." Orla chuckles to herself.

I furrow my eyebrows. "To the Mountain Men?" She nods. "They know of me?"

She smirks. "I would think so."


I glance up at the waterfall that Clarke jumped out of when she escaped the Mountain. After Orla and I's talk we decided to stark the trek up the mountain and assuming that we could get up the same way Clarke came down, it may not be as hard as it seems.

"Maybe there's a staircase or something?" I offer, my tone hopeful.

Orla sighs before nodding. "Maybe, I'll take Cora and look around." She says before grabbing her forearm and walking away. I stare up at the opening of the waterfall and freeze.

There's a head poking over the waterfall.

My eyes widen before I drop to the ground and crawl behind a tree just before the shooting starts.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I curse to myself while I reload my handgun.

"We know you're down there!" I voice calls out. "Come out and we won't shoot." They say.

I roll my eyes before responding. "Oh yeah?" I say. "Get Wallace out here and then I'll come out!" I yell.

"How about we bring you to Wallace?" The voice says and my blood runs cold. Suspicion crawls up my spine as I glance around. "We already got your friends." They continue as I scope around the area.

"I have an offer." I say, pausing before stepping into view. "One of the two that you just captured is special." I say, purposely being vague.

"How so?" They yell out as I hear a crunch behind me. I turn and punch the glass shielding their face, making them gasp for air as their skin being to boil.

"Let me in and I'll help you." I say to the man causing him to let out a strangled nod before pointing to a door hidden by leaves and trees at the base of the mountain.

"You hurt him and you'll never meet Wallace." One of the men yell out.

"I'm trying to save him," I grunt to myself as I use his keycard and open the door. I'm met with one of the men from before standing in front of me.

He glares at me before I feel a shock all through out my body and I fall to the ground.


I wake up in an office. My hands tighten around the arms of the leather chair I'm sat in.

"You are not a prisoner." A voice says from the corner.

I turn and see a well groomed middle aged man with brown hair and dark eyes and a scar by his lip. "Then why am I bound?" I ask, making my tone neutral.

"Because," he sighs as he is walks forward. "I don't trust you." He says as he sits down at the desk in front of me. "But, I'm interested in what you have to say." He says, focusing his eyes on me.

"You brought in the two I was with?" I ask, tilting my head. He nods. "And I understand that you and your people are not immune to the radiation outside."

"That is correct." He once again nods.

"Well," I sigh. "One of the people that you captured came down to earth in a small, non-radiation-proof pod about 6 years ago." I say causing his eyes to narrow. "She was exposed to an immense amount of radiation on the way down. More than any of my people have been exposed to."

A small smile makes it's way onto his face. "And you're what?" he chuckles. "Offering her to us?"

"It may seem hard to believe, but do you have any siblings?" I ask a small smirk on my lips. He shakes his head. "Okay, well, my sister, the one who we were talking about, she is the reason why our mother died and why I was thrown in prison." I say, causing his eyebrows to raise.

"So," I smirk as I continue. "Call it revenge, call it turning over a new leaf with new people..." I trail off. "Either way, I don't associate myself with the people from the Ark," I say, shaking my head. "Not anymore."

After a moment, a smile makes it's way onto Wallace's face. "Alright." He says. "Shall we go see your friends?"



short chapter :(



- abigail

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