23: ♫ 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵 𝓓𝓪𝔂𝓼 ♫

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It was quiet between us as we walked through the hallway. So many questions flew through my head as I walked side by side with Arius. We almost reached my first class when I decided to speak up "Thank you." Arius stopped in his tracks, causing me to stop as well, turning to face him. His blue eyes, stared down at me in confusion, raising a brow as if to ask 'for what?'. I shrugged before continuing to walk forward "Back there with those kids. What you did-" Arius suddenly appeared in front of me, successfully cutting me of as I stumbled back in surprise.

"Let's get one thing straight."

Catching myself on my feet, my (e/c) eyes met his angry blue ones. Pointing a finger at me "I didn't do this for you." Poking me hard in the chest with the same finger, my eyes widened a little, bringing a hand up to rub my chest because it hurt. "I did this for me." Arius' hand turned into a fist sticking his thumb out, he turned his hand so that his thumb was pointing towards him. "I was pissed and needed an outlet." Shoving his hands back into his pants pockets he continued "Besides, your grandmother would be pissed if she knew I just sat by and watched as those pitiful humans talked about you like that." I watched as Arius turned around and continued the trek through the hallway.

Quickly following after him, I managed to catch up "Hey, how did you do that disappearing and reappearing thing?" He glanced over at me "What?" Looking back in front of him, a bored expression on his face, only to disappear. This caused me to stop in my tracks, my eyes darting around the hallway to find any sign of him. Suddenly he reappeared by the door to my classroom, which was a little ways down more. "This?" He asked, I was quick to catch up to the black haired demon.

"Yes that."

I leaned across from him against the door frame, leaning forward a little, as if to move closer so I could hear. This caused me to lean forward as well, an annoyed smile graced his lips "I believe you have a class to get too." He was quick to change the subject, standing back up straight, I was quick to state "You can't just waltz in there and-" the black haired demon swung open the door in front of him, successfully cutting me off. Walking inside, I went to follow, only for the door to come back towards me and almost hit me in the face. Putting my hands out in front of me, I stopped the door, pushing it back open as I walked through.

"Ah, Miss (L/n), how nice of you to join us."

The teacher sarcastically stated, but I paid no mind to her, sending a glare to the back of Arius' head. Asshole. "I was just about to introduce our new student." My eyes drifted over to the teacher in confusion, How the hell does she know about him? Was the question that rattled my brain, my eyes moving back to Arius. He glanced over at me as my eyes moved between the both of them "well? You gonna sit down or just stare?" Shaking my head a bit I found my seat at the back of the room.

"Now then, everyone, this is Damon (L/n)."

Slumping down in my seat I glared at the black haired boy at the front of the room. "He just moved here from Arizona." I glanced around the room only to see most girls fawning over him, some guys fuming with jealousy, and the rest glanced back at me as if silently checking to see if he was actually related to the freak of the school.

As the teacher continued to talk I sat there wondering how he even managed to convince her that he was a new student here. I'll have to ask him about it later. I thought as Arius finally took a seat in the only available spot, which just so happened to be next to me. "What was that about me not being able to walk in here?" A smirk sat on his face as I sent him a glare "Shut up you damn demon." I angrily whispered, not wanting others around us to hear me.

This is gonna be a long day.


𝓗𝓲𝓼 𝓣𝓸𝓾𝓬𝓱Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ