07: ♫ 𝓝𝓸𝔀 𝓞𝓻 𝓝𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 ♫

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(Couldn't think of a song for this chapter so you get Sunset Curve for this chapter😂)

After a couple of hours of flipping through the book, I got through the whole book twice and wasn't able to find a thing. I huffed in anger and rubbed my head in annoyance "Damn it. There is no way I'm going to Caleb for those damn answers." My phone suddenly started buzzing, my ringer being turned off, pulling the phone out of my back pocket, I noticed the caller ID to be Julie.

I swiped to the right to answer the call, bringing the phone up to my right ear I said "Hey Julie. What's up?" She was quick to respond "Oh no. Don't 'Hey Julie' me." I flinched a little at her tone of voice.

"First Flynn gets angry at us and now you skip school? Aren't you at least a bit determined to make it up to her?"

I shrugged while getting up to sit on my bed "Well, Yeah. Of course I am. You guys are like family to me." Julie huffed in anger on the phone before speaking "If that's true, than meet me at my moms studio. Pronto." With that she hung up, not even giving me a chance to respond.

Taking the phone away from my ear, I stared at my lock screen for a couple of seconds before getting up to go put the candles and books back in the compartment.


I walked over to Julie's house and was quick to knock on the door only for Julie's father to answer. "Oh, Hey (Y/n). Julie just headed out back." He threw a thumb over his shoulder and I was about to respond when a small tune of what sounded to be an electric guitar and a bass could be heard coming from the back of the house. I widened my eyes while stating "Sounds like Julie already started without me, I better get going!" Squeezing past her dad I was quick to make my way to the studio.


Once I made it to the studio Julie opened the door and was about to slip inside, only for her to notice me and gesture for me to go in. I nodded my head a bit to the tune of the guitar and bass, only for Julie to walk in next to me, shutting the door behind her.


This caused both boys to stop playing and look at the two of us. Reggie turning around in the process. "You aren't supposed to be playing out here alone" Reggie was quick to correct Julie as he stated "But we're not alone" Luke came up from behind him, throwing an arm over Reggie, pulling him close for a hug from behind " 'Cause we always have each other." Giant smiles sat on the two of their faces as Reggie looked back at Luke and pointed at him, only to quickly bring his hand back down and look back over at the two of us.

Reggie chuckled a little as Luke took his arm back and stepped a few feet away, I went over to the couch as Julie said "Ugh" Before unplugging the amp, I flopped back across the couch, legs crossed on one end, my head sitting on the pillow on the other. Luke took off his guitar and explained "But...but we had the volume level on one." Reggie was quick to throw in his input as Julie walked over to stand in front of the piano.

"But we rocked it, on volume ten."

Reggie was quick to gesture behind him to the amp as he asked "Want us to play it again?" I snapped one of my fingers at him, causing my fingers to look like a gun as I pointed at him while stating "Yes." Luke cheerfully went to grab his guitar, Reggie's attention was now on me, as was Julie's, she narrowed her eyes at me and was quick to say "No." in response.

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