18: ♫ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓞𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮 𝓞𝓯 𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂𝔀𝓸𝓸𝓭 ♫

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(This chapter didn't go as planned but I have finally answered your prayers, another chapter might be out later today as well!)

After the show I angrily marched over to the table that Willie and the guys sat at. I was beyond pissed, Willie promised he would keep them away, and he broke it. "Hey (Y/n)-" I noticed the smile on Reggie's face as he greeted me but I paid no mind to it, my attention being solely on a nervous Willie. Slamming my hands down on the table in anger causing all four boys to jump in surprise.

"What the hell Willie?!"

Willie stayed quiet, but his gaze stayed on me, letting me finish talking "You promised me you'd keep them" I pointed towards the boys and said "Away!" Putting my hand back down on the table Willie was quick to explain "I...I know and I'm sorry, but I thought that if I brought them maybe he could help them." I let out a scoff and angrily stared at him, crossing my arms across my chest "Willie, you and I know first hand the 'help' he gives. And I'm not gonna sit around and watch you ruin their afterlives!" Willie stared at me, a sad look crossing his face "Look I'm sorry. You told me your show was at 7:30, I thought if I brought them after your show..." I glared down at the skater boy in front of me.

'I can't draw attention to us, Caleb is probably watching us right now for all we know.'

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Shaking my head I opened my eyes and stated "Caleb told me that he pushed it back to 8." Luke slowly raised his hand as he said "Um.. (Y/n)..." my gaze shifted over to Luke, who's eyes seemed to be wide in amazement as he continued "That was so cool, how you changed your outfit like that!" Alex nodded his head in agreement, a smile also on his face. I looked down at the outfit I was currently wearing, confused as to why Caleb changed my outfit into something that was more of Reggie's style than my own.

My (e/c) eyes finally looked up to meet the bassists forest green ones, his bottom lip was pulled between his teeth as his eyes raked up and down my body. They seemed to darken, an emotion I couldn't make out being held behind them. A deep red color coated my cheeks as I realized what he was doing. Reggie's fun soon ended, his eyes widening as he met my gaze, realizing that I definitely saw him checking me out. His cheeks mirrored my own, having the same red color appear on them. the two of us stared at each other for a couple seconds more, feeling the pull in my chest, as I examined every feature on his face. From his fluffy dark brown hair that I've been dying to run my fingers through, down to his light pink lips that I've been wanting to feel against my own.

Dragging my eyes away from Reggie, I cleared my throat while stating "Yeah well, that wasn't me. All though I'm not sure why he..." suddenly it dawned on me, the reason he moved my show to 8:00 around the same time as when the boys got here, the reason he changed my clothes into Reggie's style. Caleb is no doubt a jealous man, and he tends to act on his jealousy in simple ways. But this was a sign, a message, telling me that he knows about Reggie, how much he knows is a mystery, but it's safe to say he already knows everything.

I rested my hands on the table as my gaze sat on the table, fear coursed through me as my stomach churned in anxiousness. Reggie was quick to ask "(Y/n)?" I didn't respond as I was trying to think things through "(Y/n), What's wrong?" I felt a hand rest on top my own, already knowing who it was, but brought my gaze up to the skater boy across from him. "Willie." Willies eyes were held on my own worried ones.

"He knows."

It was those two words. Those two, simple words that caused his eyes to mirror my own, shaking his head in denial. "No. (Y/n). We don't know that he does..." an angry look crossed my face as Willie tried to disagree with me, even tho a part of him knows that I'm right. I opened my mouth to argue, only for Caleb's music to start playing causing me to look behind me, knowing that he could appear at any second. "Shit. I gotta go." Luke was quick to speak up "Go? Go where? (Y/n), tell us what is going on." I shook my head as the announcer started talking "Ladies and Gentlemen" my eyes drifted from Willie, over to a concerned Alex "Tell us what is going on." He stated.

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