04: ♫ 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓞𝓷 ♫

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"Believe me Julie, I think it's wonderful that you sang again."

Mrs. Harrison spoke to us as she placed the music notes on the piano. "I prayed for this moment for almost a year. But it's to late." Flynn begged for Julie "What if you just hear her play?" I nodded in agreement "Yeah, Julie is amazing, you know she is." Mrs.Harrison shook her head "It wouldn't matter. A new student starts tomorrow." The three of us rolled our eyes.

"There's only-"

Julie finished her sentence with "So many spots, and if I don't participate, I'm out. I know." Mrs.Harrison walked over to the three of us while saying "I did everything I could to keep you here this year, but Principal Lessa was very clear that yesterday was your last chance. You'll have to reapply next semester." The bell rung soon after as Mrs. Harrison said "I'm truly sorry." Music students started making there way through the doors.

Mrs. Harrison made her way over to the music stand as me and Flynn looked at each other, and as much as we were mad right now we still both wrapped one of our arms around Julie and sadly walked her out the doors.


At the end of the day I brought Flynn home and decided to hangout at Julie's for a bit. "You sure you're okay? Cause if you have been drinking..." I shook my head with a small smile on my face as I put the truck in park in my driveway. "Jules, seriously, don't worry about me, Okay? I'm fine. It's never gotten as far as getting drunk. Flynn just exaggerates things sometimes." Letting out a sigh I leaned back against the seat.

She nodded her head a little "Okay if you say you're okay, I'll drop it." Sending her a small smile I nodded my head "Thank you" She sent me a worried smile back before clearing her throat and grabbing her things. "Well, come on. I'm sure the boys are bored out of their mind. And I could use your help with them." I let out a chuckle as I hopped out of the truck.

Locking the truck, we walked next door to Julie's house "So, Okay, explain to me how they got there." Julie shrugged while putting her backpack on as she walked "I don't know, I found their CD in the studio and listened to it and then poof!" She waved her arms around exaggerating the 'poof' sound effect. "They suddenly just showed up." I scrunched my nose in confusion.

"Wait, Wait, Wait. They're a band?"

She nodded her head in response as we made it to her porch and through the door "Yeah, they are- well, were, called Sunset Curve." I nodded my head a little as we made our way up the steps to her room.

When Julie opened the door, the first thing I saw was Reggie making a snow angle on her bed, causing a smile to grace my lips. "What are you guys doing in my room?" Julie yelled as the Alex and Reggie let out high pitched "Uh.." trying to find an excuse only for Luke to make one for them "We were looking for the kitchen?" Reggie pointed at Luke as I crossed my arms in amusement.

Julie pointed at them while saying "This...This can't happen. It's creepy." She then gestured to Reggie who was on her bed "Get off my bed, please." Reggie was quick to get up and walk over to me, resting an arm on my shoulder "Hey (Y/n), how've you been?" I was quick to shake my head, letting an amused smile grace my lips "Uh, Uh, don't drag me into this. You're in trouble." He let out a sigh before taking his arm back in disappointment.

"Yeah okay."

He said while walking back over to the bed "Hey Julie" Luke raised his hand as he spoke, only to throw it back down right after. This grabbed our attention as he asked "What's in the box?" Pointing to Julie's dream box that sat on the shelf "That's off-limits." Luke chuckled "Oh, oh, okay. Girl stuff." He said in a high pitch voice.

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