01: ♫ 𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓣𝓸 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓵𝓾𝓫 ♫

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(Not me publishing another story while my other ones aren't finished🤭😂 Also, each chapter will be named after a song, like how each episode is named after the song in the episode)

I've been able to see ghosts ever since I can remember. The first time I saw a ghost was when I was around six. My dog had recently died, so when I start giggling and playing around with air, my parents thought I was using my imagination and was trying to get through his death.

When in reality I wasn't mourning his death at all, I was playing with my dog who, to me, was still real. I didn't even realize that he was a ghost, considering the fact that my hand didn't go through him.

A couple years later when I was eight I met Willie while on a walk through the zoo with my parents. I somehow managed to get lost, when I saw a boy with long hair sitting on a bench by the Otters. The boy held a skate board in hand and looked a lot older than me, but he also seemed lost.

A determined look crossed my face as I made my way over to him, sitting down next to the sad skater boy I asked "Are you okay?" The boy didn't answer for a few seconds before looking over and down at me, only to see me staring back at him. The boy looked behind himself, wondering if I was talking to someone else behind him.

When he noticed no one there he looked back at me with wide eyes "You can see me?" He asked in confusion. I nodded my head "Yes I can. Am I not supposed too?" I tilted my head a little as the question left my lips. The boy smiled down at me "No, No, umm, well, people don't normally see me." I smiled up at him.

"Well, I can see you. What's your name?"

The boy in front of me seemed to still be processing everything, but quickly responded "My names Willie." I stuck out my hand while saying "Nice to meet you Willie. I'm (Y/n)!" I smiled up at the boy and waited for him to take my hand to shake it. When he didn't make any sort of action and just stared at my hand I was quick to question it.

"What's wrong Willie?"

Willie shook his head a little, sending me a sad smile "My hand will go through yours if I tried to touch you." Again I tilted my head in confusion "Why?" He let out a sad chuckle before leaning back on the bench and looking up at the sky above. "Because I'm a ghost." I was about to respond when my name was suddenly being called.

"(Y/n)! There you are!"

Me and Willie both looked over to the right of us, only to see my parents weaving through the crowd. Once my parents made it over they looked furious, but I didn't pay attention as I beamed while jumping off the bench "Mom, dad! I made a friend, his name is Willie and is a ghost!" My father sucked in a breath of air and let it out slowly to calm himself down. Kneeling down to my height he sent me a smile, figuring that I just had an imaginary friend. "That's great hunny, but I think it's time for us all to go home. You gave your mother and I a scare."

I nodded my head "Okay, just let me say bye to Willie first." My father nodded his head and I turned around, only to see Willie already looking at me. Marching over to him I was quick to engulf him in a hug, catching him by surprise. "Goodbye Willie, I hope to see you again soon." Willie let out a small gasp as he realized I was actually touching him. He slowly wrapped his arms around me to hug me back tighter.

"Goodbye (Y/n). I'll make sure to see you again."

I broke the hug, only to see joyful tears falling down Willies cheeks, sending him a bright smile and wave. He let out a small chuckle, before whipping his eyes with the back of his hand and waving back. After the long haired boy waved back to me, I turned around on my heels and walked back off toward my parents.

𝓗𝓲𝓼 𝓣𝓸𝓾𝓬𝓱Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora