03: ♫ 𝓖𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓼 ♫

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That night I was at the club till 2 am the next morning. The first few hours being the busiest, full of none stop playing and flirting from Caleb which I ignored. Then after the first few hours, came the partying and drinking, of course I never got drunk there. I knew the dangers of getting drunk at a club and I didn't want to take those chances.

Parking my truck in my empty driveway, I hopped out, grabbing my stuff and quickly went inside. Tossing my bag to the side, I pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket, looking at it for the first time tonight, only to see a text from Julie.


Hey, (Y/n), can you
please help?
Three ghosts just
appeared at my house
and I have no idea what to do!!

I rolled my eyes and scoffed at her text 'Is she seriously making fun of me right now?' I glared at my phone, still slightly intoxicated as anger courses through me.


Hey, (Y/n), can you
please help?
Three ghosts just
appeared at my house
and I have no idea what to do!!

Am I just somekind
of fucking jo ke toyou?

I knew that Julie would never say something like that to be mean. But I couldn't help it. I was angry at her, for even saying something like that. Flynn and Julie both promised me they wouldn't bring that shit up and now here she is talking about it. I don't care when Carrie does it, but when it's my close friends, I feel like I've been betrayed.

'She knows all my trauma from this and yet she says that.'

I grabbed my head before letting a huff out in anger and saying "Whatever. I'll deal with this tomorrow." Dropping my phone on the ground, I made my way up the steps and got ready for bed.


The next day I was at Julie's house early, since I live right next door to her. I heard singing coming from somewhere and followed it, only to come face to face with her moms studio. The doors were closed but I could still hear her beautiful voice flowing through the doors.

This put a smile on my face as I leaned back against the wall with my arms crossed "Well what do ya know?" I mumbled after a minute or two the song ended. I stood there for a few seconds waiting for her to walk out when suddenly three ghosts appeared in front of me.

The three of them looked to be about my age. The boy who's back was towards me had brunette hair, a tank top, a blue sweatshirt with no sleeves, showing off his muscles, and a pair of black pants with a chain hanging off it. The boy in the middle who was facing me (but somehow didn't notice me), had blond hair, a pink shirt with a logo for a cleaning service on it, a chain necklace around his neck, a fanny pack clipped together across his chest being worn as a satchel, and black nylon pants, the drawstrings tied together on his waist in a nice bow. The boy behind the two of them had dark brown hair, a white shirt sat underneath a black leather jacket, a long beaded necklace sat hanging from around his neck, a black and red flannel tide around his waist, along with a belt to hold up black jeans that were ripped at the knees.

"Oh, dude, why'd you stop me? Julie needs a hug."

The blond haired boy spoke as the brunette looked through one of the windows on the doors. The dark brown haired boy seemed to be the only one that noticed me as he sent me a bright smile and waved at me. I sent him a small smile back and waved, the boy widened his eyes, mouth agape as he pointed at me in shock.

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