16: ♫ 𝓦𝓮'𝓻𝓮 𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓖𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓪 𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓘𝓽 ♫

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Flynn, Julie and I all somehow made it past the security gate and to the devils fortress, as I like to call it. Making our way down the steps, Julie lead the way, stopping at the bottom to take a look around. "You know maybe I should just go." I stated, already wanting to leave, only for Julie to grab my arm while saying "Come on" dragging me over to the door with her. Flynn ended up tripping but caught herself and told us to keep going as she caught up behind us.

Julie rung the doorbell, my eyes sat on the ground in front of me as I shifted on my feet, not wanting to be anywhere near Carrie. Julie leaned over to look through the window only to quickly stand back in front of the door as Carrie opened it. "Heyyy" Flynn and Julie said at the same time as the door opened. I looked up at Carrie but overall stayed quiet "What are you three doing here? How'd you get over the security gate?" She asked, only for Julie to let out a nervous chuckle while stating "Teamwork!" She then looked at her hands as she asked "Do you have a Band-Aid? The barbed wire's new." Carrie placed a hand on her hip in annoyance "What do you want?" She asked, wanting to get straight to the point to get us out of there.

Flynn somehow made up an excuse on the spot "Uh...Just thought you should know that Julie and (Y/n)'s band is playing at the dance tonight." She let out a nervous chuckle as Julie chimed in "Now you know." The two of them smiled awkwardly only for Carrie to say "You two are acting weirder than the girl standing next to you." I glared at her as she sent me a forced smile, not wanting any of us to be there. I took a step forward, ready to throw a punch at her, only for Julie to put her arm out, keeping me from moving any closer.

"Probably because we're thirsty."

Julie stated a nervous smile on her face as Flynn stated "Yeah." In agreement only for Julie to continue "Can we come in, for a glass of water?" Carrie rolled her eyes letting out an "ugh" of annoyance, but ultimately giving in to the idea"Fine, if it'll make you leave faster." I let out a small huff in anger, as Flynn and Julie let out small sighs of relief. Carrie moved aside, letting the three of us walk in, only for her to quickly stop us "Don't break anything." Letting go of the door, she gave another roll of her eyes before marching off.

Flynn and I looked at Julie, knowing she knew this place best, only for her to point in front of us, towards the living room. The three of us walked off, again following Julie "Careful!" She told Flynn as she almost tripped once again. Looking around, I couldn't see the guys anywhere, what did grab my attention was the blond teenage boy sitting on the couch. My eyes grew wide in surprise as Julie stopped in front of the TV "Where are you?" She wondered out loud, only for Nick to respond confused"I'm... I'm right here." Thinking that we were looking for him.

Julie and Flynn slowly turned around as I awkwardly sent him a smile, having never talked or interacted with Nick what so ever. Julie and Flynn let out awkward laughs as Julie came up with something on the spot "Nick!" She pointed at Nick, her attention was quick to turn towards the two of us "Look, guys, it's Nick!" Nick let out a small chuckle as he placed his phone down on a pillow. My gaze instantly went to Julie, knowing that she was gonna get all nervous and start throwing up words.

'Oh lord. Here we go.'

I thought as Julie continued to speak "Nickster, Nicky-poo, Nick-a-licious." I nudged her to stop her from saying anything else embarrassing, she leaned over to whisper a quiet "Thank you." To me, I just nodded my head in response as Flynn quickly started talking to Nick, grabbing mine and Julie's attention. "Hey! Glad you're here, Nicky-poo" Julie widened her eyes at the nickname, causing her to stare down Flynn. Flynn turned towards the two of us as she gestured to us continuing her explanation "We wanted to tell you" she looked back at Nick "That their band is playing at the dance." Nick nodded his head and sat up.

He pointed at Flynn as he stated "Oh yeah. No. I...I saw your post." The voice of the girl I hate more than anything, brought all of our attention on her "These girls bothering you babe?" Carrie asked holding two glasses of water in her hands as her eyes shifted between us and Nick. He was quick to explain to her what was going on "Nope, just telling us about the dance tonight." Carrie made her way over to the three of us.

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