Finn nodded but gave Joni a look that told her all she needed to know. She needed to tell Joseph.

"Okay, fine. I'll talk to him when this is all over."

The two looked at each other, exchanging smiles on their faces, as Joni realized she had finally come to her senses. Not entirely, but she was slowly getting there.

"How long are you planning on being on break anyways?" Finn got up from seat to rummage through his backpack that he brought. "A month? Two months? A decade?"

Joni raised an eyebrow at her friend. "I don't know. I was thinking a year. Or until I stop feeling like shit every morning. I was feeling like this a few years ago and wanted to take a break then but my Marvel contract was still ongoing. But yeah, I've just started to feel like shit every morning."

"Still sucks?"

Joni nodded. "It's not even the Joseph stuff at this point. I've been feeling like this for months."

"Understandable." Finn finally stopped digging through his bag as he pulled out his phone and started to scroll to find something. "You know, Joseph was texting me the other day-"

"Oh my god, no."

Finn stopped scrolling on his phone to look up at the girl. "What?"

"I'm just kinda embarrassed. I tried calling him the other day and he didn't pick up but then I realized I called him when it was 1 a.m. over there and you know... I was just embarrassed that I didn't want to talk to him yet."

Finn's eyes widened and his jaw dropped before he started laughing at his friend. "Every other story you tell me about this man just ceases to surprise every time."

"Okay, yeah, no need to point it out." Joni hid her flushed, red face behind her hands as she tried to hold back from smiling but deliberately failed. The two shared a quick smile with each other, with Finn there to let her know it was okay to be embarrassed about this stuff.

"Anyways, this is what he said." Finn got up to pass his phone to Joni and showed him their conversation. "Just scroll if you want."

Heat quickly rose to Joni's head before realizing she was dizzy all around. Whatever she believed she was about to read, she didn't think she could stomach it. It almost felt like everything that anything to do with her boyfriend made her feel nauseous.

Joni grabbed the phone before looking twice at Finn, who just smiled and nodded to assure it was alright. The girl wasn't sure how he did it but he immediately brought a sense of comfort that was different this time from any other time. Joni finally decided to scroll through the conversation after taking a deep breath to clear the heat in her head.

hey man, have you checked up on joni by any chance?

I've tried calling and texting her all week but I don't have a response. She told me she wasn't gonna use her phone for a little bit when we left at the airport

She's usually quick to respond even off her phone so it's been worrying me.

oh okay cool

but could you let me know if she said anything? i got no responses either

Yeah, for sure 😊

Thanks for looking out for her

it's no problem:)

two days later

Hi, Finn. Just wanted to let you know that she tried calling me last night.

I texted her back but no response yet.

no yeah, i don't have anything else either

i'll let you know if she'll finally respond to me

Okay, thanks so much:)

Wish I with her right now tbh

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