Chapter 34 - Helping Hand

Start from the beginning

Instead, it was just long enough to end at the base of his neck. His hair was still a flamboyant pink that would make him stand out in a crowd full of people.

His eyes were framed with dark eyelashes that fanned his cheek every time he blinked.

Also, with how everyone was talking and not one person bringing up anything about the early morning encounter I had with Yeonjun, I concluded that he hadn't spread it around the school.

This was not an elaborated prank.

He really didn't tell anyone about the encounter.

But why didn't he?

What was his angle?

Was he planning on blackmailing me using this and making me do his bidding? Like if I did not listen to him, he would tell everyone and the board not to consider me as a candidate for the scholarship.

"Yuri I know Yeonjun is handsome but I am too. You can stare at me as well" I snap my head towards the voice that belongs to Beomgyu and feel my face instantly heat up.


I didn't realize I was staring at him.

I didn't mean to.

I look back and Yeonjun and find his staring at me with a very evident scowl on his face.

I really didn't want to start another issue with him.

God knows we were yet to have a decent encounter.

Also, I was surrounded by the maroon jackets and San's words flashed in my head repeatedly like a broken signal.

I didn't know who they were and what their families did but at least with what San told me, I could assume that each of them belonged to very powerful families, and that being said given that most students here belonged to powerful families.

"No. No. I wasn't staring. I just-"I look helplessly around the table not knowing what exactly to say to them.

Thankfully I don't have to.

"I was only kidding. God, you're cute" Beomgyu laughs and pinches my cheek. I just stare at him with embarrassment.

"Don't scare her away before she even spends an hour with us, please?" Bahiyyih sighs and looks apologetically at me.

I only pass her a small smile.

"Are you sure you'll be able to perform at the fundraiser? Your song is not even written yet" Taehyun comments when Beomgyu whines about the song again.

"Uh fuck that shit. I don't want to perform there. It is so boring. Why do we have to attend again?" he groans and rubs his face with both his hands.

"Because of the obvious" Taehyun rolls his eyes and Soobin sighs.

"Beomgyu, it isn't necessary for you to write your own song. You can also perform a cover. I think everyone would prefer that" Soobin suggests and Beomgyu gives an utterly disgusted expression.

"What kind of musician would I be if I do that?" Beomgyu puts a hand on his heart and looks at Soobin with a hurt expression.

Soobin just sighs and rubs his temple as if this is not the first time they have had this conversation and he looks tired of it.

"And on that note, did you change your mind about going to the fundraiser?" Beomgyu asks and everyone's attention is on me again.

I hate Beomgyu for putting me on the spot again and again.

"Wait, you don't want to go? But it will be your first time, you should definitely go" Bahiyyih chirps up.

"Also, didn't San tell you about it? This is a big deal here. You should definitely come. Also, bring San. We can all hang out together" she continues before I even have a chance to speak.

"Everything is a big deal here. The actual event is boring but the after-party Soobin throws at his lake house isn't" Beomgyu winks at Soobin and Soobin looks more tired with every sentence out of Beomgyu's mouth.

"I have to agree with Beomgyu on that one" Taehyun speaks from his place.

"Why don't you want to go?" Soobin asks, directly looking at me with a puzzled expression.

"I am not sure what it is about and I am sure there must be an invite-only policy or something like that. I am not really sure how this whole thing works anyway. I have never been to one so I don't know" I blurt out.

Soobin is quiet for a minute before speaking.

"I am on the panel helping organize this event. I could tell you about it. And the invite probably didn't reach you since you joined recently. I'll look into that as well" Soobin speaks with a polite smile on his face and his kind eyes focus on me.

"Thank you but you don't have to, I am sure you're already busy" I try to decline his offer as politely as I can.

Fundraisers are for people who have funds to spare. It wasn't for my family but I couldn't directly tell them that.

"Try not to fall asleep as you hear about the founding fathers of the school and what 'great' things they did to get this established" Beomgyu speaks, putting 'great' in air quotes and rolling his eyes.

"It is important to know your history" Soobin chides and shakes his head like he is used to behavior like this.

"Booooring" Beomgyu hums and rolls his eyes again.

"Also, forget the fundraiser, you should totally come to the after party. It's a rave" Beomgyu exclaims.

My eyes just widen at his expression.

The last thing I want to do I go to a rave.

"Even if you don't enjoy the event itself, I think you'll have fun at the after party" Soobin's voice makes my head turn in his direction.

He has a faint smile on his lips.

"No, you don't have to do that. it's okay –" I don't get to complete my sentence because I am interrupted by Beomgyu.

"So it's settled, Soobin will Yuri in on the event so she's is coming to the event and the after party. Finally, it's going to be fun" Beomgyu announces and bounces on his chair.

I feel an impending feeling of doom settle over me.

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