I caught them looking at me, while I was deep in thought mumbling lyrics to myself just trying to figure out, how to place them. 

"Don't look at me like that," I said with a one-sided smile.

"Like what?" Jess asked returning my grin.

"From that angle, you can see all three of my chins," I said nudging their head a bit, making her laugh.

"Oh, I think they're adorable," Jess teased flicking my chin.

"Yeah, I'm getting a fucking facelift," I mumbled with a smile still playing on my lips.

"Oh come on," Jess groaned.

"You're going to need a whole new face," they teased catching me off guard, so I burst out laughing.

"Hey Jess," I said getting her attention.

"Do you think it's biased, that I'm fucking my designer?" I asked making Jess spit out the water in their mouth.

I started laughing as well, proud of myself for that one.

"You're fucking impossible," they said shaking her head, trying to act angry, but they couldn't hide the smile still on her face.

"Oh, you love me," I smirked kissing the back of their hand.

"Yeah, that I do," she said and kissed me.

The next day, Jess had made a few sketches, so that I could decide which direction to go in. There was one with very loose black pants and a huge coat, that trailed behind a bit, accompanied by a dark blue dress shirt. Another one was a lot simpler with black pants, that had gold details at the bottom, a black dress shirt with a bit of frill, and a red velvet-like vest with black details. Then, there was a simple dark gray suit, with a bright blue vest, that spread into a cape. And finally, there was an outfit with, once again, the black loose pants and a cropped top, that was made out of black sheer material, with folded details.

"I thought about the dress thing, and the cape or the loose pants kinda give it that dressy vibe and silhouette and still look, you know, masculine," Jess explained after walking me through the outfits.

"I can go in a different direction if you don't like these, I just thought, that seeing your style and all, these could be something you'd maybe like," she said starting to trail off.

I just stared at the drawing for a while, with Jess waiting for my opinion. After a while, I snapped out of it and turned to my girlfriend.

"How the fuck are you able to do this?" I asked with a huge grin.

"I mean, these are just amazing!" I exclaimed still looking over the details in the drawings.

"And these are just sketches for fuck's sake!" I wondered with wide eyes, as Jess laughed wholeheartedly.

"So, you like them?" they asked.

"Hell yeah!" I yelled still in shock at how impressive she truly was.

"Would you like to wear any of these?" she then asked and I just nodded vigorously.

"You are so amazing, you know that right?" I said putting the sketches down on the table and kissing her.

Jess just blushed and tried to get back to business:

"So which one do you like the best? I mean, which one am I going to start to..."

They didn't get further before I kissed her again.

"Let me just sit for a while with the fact, that my girlfriend's a genius," I said after we pulled apart.

Eli BorrelliWhere stories live. Discover now