Chapter 41

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Sofia's POV

I was feeling better now. Able to walk around sure with the
help of a cane but I would take have instead of being stuck in a bed any day. Past 3 weeks Ella has collectively spoke 4 sentences to me. which included 'Yes' 'No' 'I'm Fine' 'I got something to do'

"Yeah I don't know what to do" I said. I was on a call with Franc.

"She has never been like this"

"I know she wasn't like this even when her parents died." I said.

"What about the shoot her uncle thing. Did you ask her if she was sure about it?" Franc asked.

"Yeah I did. I asked her if she was serious about shooting her uncle. Her answer was yes."

"That's just crazy. She has never been a violent person."
"Francesca it's not about violence. I don't care if she wants to shoot him. Fucking I would give her my gun to do it for all I care. It's the way she's saying things. She doesn't give a shit about anything anymore."

"Sofia I think that is acceptable with what she found out."

"I'm not saying it's not but there is a limit. Yesterday did you know Zee choked on his food when Sonny told her about it, She asked him if he was ok? When Sonny said yes, she just said ok and went back to reading the paper. This is the same fucking person who had a panic attack just because she thought her baby will be harmed by fucking flash lights!" I said yelling the last part out of frustration.

"Ok, maybe it's getting serious." Franc said.

"Yes it is. If she did this with me I wouldn't have given a fuck but it's now affecting out kid" I sighed and sat down. I stomach was now hurting. It was still hard standing up for too long. I had made a office in the palace as I didn't wanna leave Zee and Ella anymore. Moreover, in my condition it was better for me to work from home.

"I have an idea but it might be a bit too drastic" Franc said

Ella's POV

I was in my office looking at the document that had been sent to me. but I couldn't understand anything. Hell I don't give a fuck about them. What's the use of being so powerful when your own brother can kill you. Probably for the throne no doubt. What other reason did he have? He always wanted the throne. That was also the reason he kidnapped Zee because he wanted the throne. I haven't been sleeping lately.

I'm not sure when was the last time I ate. Have I spoken to my wife Today? Yesterday? Probably not if I can't even remember. When did I feed Zee? Have I seen Zee? What was Sonny telling me about him yesterday? When I asked him if Zee was fine, he said yes right? Yes. He said yes. The ringing had come back. I held on to my ears. God STOP! "STOP STOP STOP" then was a loud bang and I looked up to see it was Sofia. She looked at me as she walked closer to me. eyeing me up and down she shook her head and said "Let's go"

I looked at her for a second to see if she had anything else to add. But she didn't say anything else. i just got up and followed here. one of the servants gave us both coats. i wore mine but Sofia need a little help wearing hers. She looked at me as if she was expecting something then just shook her head and wore the coat with the help of a servant. I got in the cars back seat and Sofia got in from the other side.

Sonny was in the drivers seat. went we got out of the gates i realized no security was coming with us. That made my stomach clench but soon i just felt the same hollowness i had been feeling my entire childhood. the only diffirence was that this time i didn't do drugs. i didn't even have the power to do any. These days eating was a hard job going out of my way to find drugs was just something i had now energy for.

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