Chapter 21

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Ella's POV

"You're an idiot," Franc said as she hit the back of my head as I was aiming for the pool ball. "I wouldn't say that to a girl even if I was just hooking up with, why would you say that to your wife?" she asked me confused. It had been a week since Sofia and My fight. All this time she has been sleeping in the guest room.

Miguel was pissed that we pulled what we pulled but after seeing the way Sofia and I came back in he didn't say anything. There was a headline of us going on a date night and Sofia saving the kid but that was least of my concern I had more pressing things to think about like Sofia not talking to me. Not even a single word. She leaves before I could see her in the morning and if we bump into each other she just walks out of there.

"I don't know. You know how I am I never did relationship" I shrugged when she hit me in the head again. "Hey! Stop hitting me I have the power to get you executed." I told her.

"Not yet, you get crowned tomorrow." She said as I hit the white ball but failed to hit anything. That was the main reason she was here for my crowning. Sofi was out with Amber right now and I am damn sure Amber would want to kill me after she comes back.

"Ella baby you got to talk to your wife. Ok explain to me what you were thinking at the moment you came upon this stupid idea?" she asked me as she bent down to aim and then hit. She hit it perfectly making the ball fall right in the pocket.

"Well, I realized I do like her but you know that feeling are not my cup of tea. Having feelings in this relationship is not good for both of us." I said as I sit down on the couch.

"Why?" she asked as she poured herself some whiskey and sat down.

"Cause what if this doesn't work? We are married and we aren't some normal couple that we can just get a divorce if things don't work out." I had already told her about the prenup for which I might add she hit me on the head but then she kinda understood but again hit me in the head cause it made sense.

She is seriously very violent. When we were kids I was always the 'kid' even though Bella was younger than me. No one messed with Bella, No one can still mess with her. Franc is and has always been scared of Bella cause that bitch can whoop her ass. "I was trying to tell her I wanna try us but also keep questions out of it" I added.

"Question? Like what are we? Do you like me?" she asked and I nodded. "Why?"

"Cause questions create complications and I don't want the next 10 years on my life to be a living hell like how my Mom and Dad's life was," she said with my head in my hand.

"Have you tried to tell her this? Before you basically told her Romanian ass you only want her for her body?" she asked her.

"her ass is hardly Romanian" I mumbled to myself.

"What?" franc said as she did not hear what I said.

"Nothing I said I don't know how to tell her if she won't talk to me" I lied, well wasn't actually a lie. I didn't know how to tell her all that stuff.

"Well let me take care of that" she shook her head "I got to do everything here."

"I'm going to go take a shower," I told her as got out of the game room but she stopped me.

"Are you clean?" asked me looking right in my eyes. it had become a weekly thing now she always asked me this.

"I have been clean for 1 year's Franc. Don't worry" I said with a smile.

"All this must be stressful that why I'm just checking on you and your my baby sister I will always be worried." She said with a smile.

"I know I know," I told her as I walked away from her and to my room. I took off my clothes and got under the shower.

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