Chapter 9

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Sofia's POV

We had just got off the plane and we were on our way to Ella's place or well Eleanor's palace. She was sleeping right now. I was married... to an actual princess, ...who is now a queen. The waitress I was crushing on was a real-life royalty.

The guy that was with her his name was Miguel. Seems like a nice guy based in the talk I had on the plane. He explained to me the rules. They weren't anything that unusual. Things like I need to inform before I leave the house. I got to have a security with me when I step foot outside, and well I need to approve every statement I gave out. oh, the last one we need to do a proper press announcement about our engagement. Well, this wasn't a rule more like a need to do thing.

I saw us enter huge gates and stopped in front of a door. Ella looked peaceful while sleeping and she needed it with everything that happened. Miguel opened the door for us. he was above to wake Eleanor up but I stopped him. I got out and picked her up. She unconsciously wrapped her arms around my neck and buried face in the crook of my neck.

"led the way" I whispered to Miguel and he nodded. Passing a few servants who were trying not to stare at us. I just ignored it. we walked into a room, which I expect to be Ella's room. I laid her on the bed, taking her shoes off and getting the cover over her. I walked past Miguel and went outside. He looked at me confused but still followed me.

"can you get me a blanket?" I asked him.

"Sure, but may I ask why?"

"cause I'm sleeping on the couch," I told him. He just gave me a nod and walked inside the room. Taking out a blanket from inside the closet.

"When she was a kid she liked to be tucked in with 2 blankets." He whispered as he gave me a blanket and the put one over Ella, tucking her in comfortably.

"Will keep in mind" I mumbled to myself as I took a pillow from the bed and got comfortable on the couch. Miguel nodded and left.

Laying there I just stared at the ceiling. I need to call uncle tomorrow and Amber and Vale. Vale is going to laugh so hard when he finds out. Uncle might just kill me or he might just laugh his ass off. Amber now amber is a mystery about how she's going to react...Well, I think she's going to die laughing. Sonny will be here with all my work transferred to one of the hotels here.

Now I understand why I felt like I have seen Ella somewhere, I might have seen her in some newspaper. I don't know when the time passed and my alarm for 6:00 am started to ring. I quickly shut it down. Changing into the gym clothes I walked outside. To find myself a bit lost.

Thank god I found Miguel.

"Miguel, how do you get out of this house?" I asked him confused.

"Let me show you," he said chuckling and I followed him. "I will send some security with you," he said and I shook my head.

"No need for that. Plus my security should be coming here today" I said smiling. He was going to say something "I will be fine without security" I insisted.

"You need anything special for breakfast?" He asked me.

"Espresso and sunny side up with bacon on the side and hard toast bread," I said as he opened the door for me. He nodded and left. I wore my headphones and stretched out.

Beginning my run out through the big gates I entered last night the guards said morning and I smiled back to them. Listening to music on full volume I ran randomly through the streets. There were no paps today I guess that's a good thing.

Running through the streets for half an hour. Stopped at a newspaper stand cause I saw Ella's name. Picking up the paper. I saw a photo of me carrying Ella inside.

"Shit!" I mumbled. The newspaper stand guy looks at me and realised it was me in the papers. Not just one of them but all. People around me started looking at me realised the same taking out they're phones and clicking pictures. "Well fuck!" I mumbled under my breath and began my run back to the palace. Just run bitch just run focus on the run.

This time when I got near the gates I could hear clicks but didn't see any paps. Shit, they're hiding. The guards opened the gates for me and I got inside the palace. Miguel was standing near the doors for me.

"We got a problem," he said.

"I know" I sighed "is there a gym here? I need to work out we can talk after that" I sighed. He nodded and walked me towards the gym. "Is Ella up?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No your highness," he said.

"Wait, what? Your Highness?" I asked confused.

"You're married to Majesty the Queen so yes It's Your Highness," he said as a matter of fact.

"Well ain't my life fuck!" I said as we entered the gym. It was a state of the art gym but it didn't look like anyone ever used it.

I worked out for a while but I was way too distracted so I decided to stop as it the second time I had tripped over nothing and I don't need to trip again and hurt myself severely. I walked back to the room and saw Ella was still sleeping. "God! This girl sleeps a lot." I filled up the tub and decided to stay in it for a while. I didn't realise when I fell asleep. The light sound of footsteps and water running woke me up.

"Do you seriously think that's a good place to sleep?" Ella mumbled with a toothbrush in her mouth.

"I don't know when I fell asleep" I yawned and stretched my arms. "The towel please, "I said pointing behind her. She passed it to me. I look at her expectedly to turn around but she wasn't making any motion to turn. "Ella would you turn around," I said and she turned around gargling her mouth and cleaning up as I got out of the tub and warped myself with the towel.

"You know I saw everything through the mirror," she says looking at me through the mirror as she wiped her face.

"So did you like it?" I said slowly seductively walking closer to her. She walked backwards but was trapped between the sink and me.

"ah uh you know we should make some rules," she said.

"mmhmm?" I said my body pushed close to hers. Looking straight into her eyes.

"li-like this is an arrangement. Plus the main reason I think this is a good idea is cause your family" she said. I moved a few steps back.

"Family? How?" I asked her confused.

"Oh, your Amber's sister" she shrugs.

"yeah so?" I asked still confused.

"And I am Franc's Cousin," she said as if I should be knowing this. "How don't you remember seeing me on the Yacht?"

"what yacht?"

"the yacht franc, amber, you, a half a dozen more people had gone on apparently." She said reminding me what yacht she was talking about. Wait! That's how I know her! That's why I always had a feeling I had seen her before.

"Well, I was preoccupied not to get beat up or shot but Ms Skye. How don't you remember me?" I asked her.

"Well I don't even remember coming to that yacht or why I came to that yacht I was high on cocaine" she scratched the back of her neck shyly. "I don't do it anymore its all in the past," she said and I nodded my head understandingly.

"so the reason you think we are the best match is cause I'm family?" I asked her.

"Yeah, cause I trust franc and she trusts you and that makes me trust you to keep how this relationship started and other stuff a secret." She shrugged.

"so this is a business deal?" I asked her with my arms crossed.

"you can call it whatever you like," she said confused.
"Ok" I nodded feeling a bit hurt. I thought she likes me. "Get out," I said sounding a bit rude without intending to. "I mean get out I need to change and do other things," I said a bit politely this time. She just nodded and left.

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