Chapter 23

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Sofia's POV

I was kinda kicked out of my own room cause the Queen needed to get ready so I went to the room I had been staying in for the past few days to get ready. There were people around me helping me wear my suit and then gave me a top hat. I seriously don't get why you got to wear a hat thing. In the past few days learning about the monarch, I found out quite a few interesting things about Ella. Like the fact that Elliot and she both served in the Military.

Eleanor just for a brief time that was 3 years from the age of 20 to 23 whereas Elliot served for 6 years that is from the age of 18 to 24 before taking on the role of the future Heir and going around the world representing the royal family.

Elliot was a lieutenant and flew the choppers for Air Force search and rescues whereas Eleanor was an Alférez and was a nurse. She completed her 2-year nursing when she turned 20 and join the Air Force besides her brother.

This all is public knowledge but Miguel also told me that even though Ella was really good at what she did she was under the influence of some or the other drug when she wasn't working. For a brief period, she did try getting sober but she relapsed that was around the age she was 23 when she decided to step down publically to focus on the royal family affair, unofficially because she had an overdose. The family thought it would be best for her to not be in the public eye, which resulted into her going on her coked up benders at the end when she turned 25-she run away for good, only coming back because of her families' death.

It felt weird knowing soo much about her even though she was my wife. She wasn't the one telling me this. But it was a good thing cause I need to know all these things.

"Thank you, Alisa," I said as I walked out of the room going towards the living room. Alisa was one of the people who were there to help me out with my wardrobe. She nodded as she gave me a hat, which I had left, in my room. God that hat!

"You look cute," Amber said as I walked towards the living room. "Thanks, you look beautiful too" I mumbled. in the midst of Ella and my fight, I forgot about her uncle. Where the fuck is he?

"Miguel" I called out as I put my left hand in the pocket and the other held my hat against my chest.

"Yes Ma'am?" he asked he gave me a nod.

"Where's the idiotic uncle?" I asked confused looking around. He wasn't her we were supposed to gather in the living room before leaving.

"Ma'am he had gone back to his own place cause of an emergency but he will be coming to the coronation." He said and I nodded. Everyone was here Kat, Skye, Amber and Jazz sported a beautiful dress whereas Franc was Navy blue suit. Kat and Skye both had a tiara on they're head instead of a crown.

I was talking to Kat when she looked behind me I turned around to see Eleanor stepping down the stairs looking like a princess... let me correct that looking like a true Queen. It was a White off shoulder gown with elaborate designs on it, it practically looked like a wedding gown with a tiara on her head. "Wow," I said as she walked towards me with a smile on her face. "Thank you" she pecked my lip. "I have a surprise for you" she smiled as Miguel came towards us with a huge box. "That is it?" I asked looking at the box when she took the hat from my head and gave it to someone.

Opening the box revealed a tiara. "Well I think Skye and Kat know this part, cause they would be doing this as a sign of respect, but when my tiara will be taken off my head so they can anoint me you will have to take this off and only wear it back on after my crown is placed on my head," she said as she places the tiara on my head. "But I don't have a title," I said confused you can wear a crown during the coronation only if you have a title.

"Well being my wife is a title of its on" she smiled and pecked my lip " Now let's go" she smiles as I nod and stood behind her. People entered their cars one by one. Ella and I were the last person in line cause she is the highest in the title and no one can walk in after her.

We sat in the car making our way to the event. I saw Ella biting her lower lip. I held her hand and whispered "you will be fine" I said with a smile as I kissed her cheek. there was a crowd gathered on both side of the road as we were near the church, the number of people increased. Ella and I both smiled and waved. As I got out I gave her a hand and helped her down.

Everyone was by now sent to be seated in they're places. As we went inside Ella and I were separated to take our positions as the procession was above to start. First, important people from the armed forces walked down the path behind which followed the Prime Minister, then bishop, ending that line with the choir boys.

After that, it was my turn. I walked down the path with a smile on my face pretend as if this wasn't scaring the crap out of me. Pretending that this was just another Saturday for me. I had the royal guards around me as I then walked towards my seat in the royal box where thankfully everyone else was there.

If I was made sit alone with strangers I for sure would have strangled someone. As I was sitting down I saw woody was sitting a few rows behind us. God, I forgot Ella had invited her too.

"You did good" Skye whispered, god, is the nervousness that evident on my face. I gave her a smile and focused my attention back to the procession. The line was at the almost end with the crown and the sceptre. Then came in my beautiful wife.

The coronation was a long process of Ella repeating oath as they first took off her tiara. That was our cue to take off our tiaras or hats. Then they put the holy oil on her anointing her. proceeding that they made her wear a robe. Ella, since she entered, wasn't smiling she had a polite but serious expression on her face.

I could see she was nervous under her serious façade. She needs to breathe and enjoy this moment. They then make her sit on a throne. She repeated an oath as they placed a crown on her head. That's when everyone wore their tiaras and hats back on so I did the same.

Everyone in the higher post, the bishop later kneel down in front of her they field their loyalty to her. the procession soon finished and we made our way out as we came in that meant I had to walk out again in the lineup. She wasn't kidding when she said the wife of a queen has a title of her own.

As I came out of the royal box one of the page boys came and put a robe around me. ok now let me tell you about this robe. It's fucking heavy even though there are like 2 people carrying it so that I don't drag it, bitch it's heavy! I waited near the carriage.

Yes, we were being taken back in a carriage. Ella came out the last as I helped her get in the carriage and then I got in after her. I mumbled for only her to hear "Royals are dramatic" she chuckled.

"Just wait till you see the 2 beds," she said as we waved to the people standing on either side of the road. Making me chuckle.

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