Chapter 29

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Sofia's POV

It was the next day and we were now getting ready to leave. Ella had seemed more detached from the baby since yesterday. She really doesn't want a kid I guess " you seriously don't want a baby I guess" I chuckle looking at her getting dressed.

"Why do you say so?" she asks.

"Cause well you're avoiding the baby like the plague. Oh, also I forgot to tell you yesterday franc and amber would be happy to adopt the baby. I spoke to them about it and Franc said they were already thinking about adopting so this seems perfect." I said shrugging.

"I'm not avoiding the baby it's just... nothing and that's a good thing I will tell the lawyers to get the papers ready," she said.

'What did you do?" I asked her chuckling.

'As I said nothing?" she said giving me a sharp look. I just decided not to push her she will tell me when she is ready. I would have adopted the baby myself but I feel it is too soon for me and Ella to have kids. Plus our situation is different than a general relationship.

"let's go?" she asked me and I nodded. Getting up and interviewing our hands I started walking to the upper deck where a chopper was waiting to take us to the airport. We got in and Sonny got in after us with the baby on her lap.

The baby had a special headphone on for the wind and noise-making him able to sleep peacefully. Ella and I wore our headsets and soon we took flight. Ella got comfortable next to me, I put an arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

"It's not that I hate babies," she said looking in my eyes "It's just I don't wanna get to close to this one. But I already feel like I have." She sighs.

"Why do you feel that?"

"cause yesterday I was with the baby and I call you momma to him," she said looking down.

"Momma?" I asked her confused chuckling.

"Like he was playing my ring and I told him 'your momma got it for me' it didn't even hit me like for the first few seconds" she looked up again.

"And that's a bad thing cause?"

"Cause you know we just started this. Won't it be too fast?" she said as if she was stating the obvious.

"It would be but I don't think it would be very off-brand for us" I chuckled.

"What do you mean?" she asked confused.

"Well, we first got married then started dating what makes you think about adopting a baby even before our 1 year anniversary is weird? This relation started with weird, why do you wanna make it normal now?" I said cause it was true when have we ever been in a normal relationship?

"but what if we break up? I don't want the baby to suffer" she said worried but I could see she was starting to toy with the idea to adopt the baby.

"Well first stop thinking so negatively and second the baby would never suffer cause you and I are not your parents." I said it straight as it was cause I knew she was thinking about it. " he is not going to be the next right hand of Romanian Mafia nor is he going to be pressured into being the next king." I said.

"That's also there if we adopt him he will have the pressure of becoming the heir to the throne. Being a royal. What if we have biological children in the future. This would be a problem cause he is not my blood. The board will create a new fuck up about that. saying that he can't become the Ruler." She said stressed.

"Baby that's the future. Long Long Long ahead future. He's an infant. What if he doesn't want to be the king and if he does he's got us to handle it. As for the pressure of being a royal. It's you, you know this world very well. You have gone through it all.

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