Chapter 6

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Eleanor's POV

I entered the church and I could hear people talk... about me. This is going to be annoying. Miguel came next to me and told me that Princess Alexandra and her wife were here. As they are the member of the royal family, I got to greet them personally. I nodded and went outside again.

Standing near the entrance as their car stopped in the front. I could hear the shutter noises from hundreds for pictures being clicked per second. The car door opened and out stepped Skye.

I knew her before the world found out she was a princess though Franc. they both are best friends. Franc and her wife should also be here, as they are family. I'm sure Miguel invited them. Shock but relief was evident on Skye's face.

She came and gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. Placing her hands on my cheek. "you're here" she said.

"I'm here," I said placing my hand on hers. I then hugged Kat who also kissed my cheek. "Franc?" I asked.

"She's was behind us," Kat said.

"Come to the palace after the funeral?" I asked and both nodded. They both went inside. as I had to stay outside to greet a few more royalties. I just shook hands with them as a lot of them gave me a questioning look cause I was never the one to go to any royal bullshit events.

Soon I went inside. I saw Franc on my way in but couldn't talk to her. I told Miguel to tell her to come to the palace after the funeral. Sitting in the front row as the father presided over the ceremony.

The ceremony ended after an hour. I met a few people who gave their condolences. All these assholes are acting like they knew my family. like bitch you spoke to them once and who the fuck even invited you? I asked Miguel he said my uncle was the one who invited them. that bitch.

Yes, I called my uncle a bitch cause he is one. He didn't have the audacity to come and talk to me once. Before or after the funeral. I was above to leave the venue when Miguel told me the royal council head wants to talk to me. I nodded and followed him.

"Miguel shouldn't there be a personal assistant to do all this?" I asked him as he is the lord chamberlain his duties are to manage the people working for the family, not all this.

"there should be but I didn't get the time to hire one so for you so I'm doing it, plus I don't trust anyone else to get you well equipped with the royal responsible better than me," he said and I nodded as he was right.

"Your Highness," the council head said and kissed my hand. It was a middle-aged man that I think I had met during my fathers crowning.

What was his name?

"This is Mr Abila, Royal Council Head" Miguel said.
"it's nice to meet you, Mr Abila," I said.

"I know this is not the right time to talk about this but it is an important topic to talk about," he said.

"If you have to come to talk to me about it right after my families funeral it must be urgent," I said.

"It is your majesty," he said. He seems like a sensible person.

"If that's the case why do we talk about this in some privacy. I was heading to the palace. Join me over there for a cup of tea?" I said. Dad had always said important things should be spoken in privacy as you never know who is listening in. he uses to use the term 'even walls have ears'.

"it would be my pleasure, your majesty," he said.

"Miguel, make arrangements for tea in the office," I said and he nodded. I turned around and got in my car. Miguel sat in the front seat of the limo. I opened the partition.

Just a Royal MessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang