Chapter 13

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Eleanor's POV

Like who talk to they're ex like that? WHO? and she literally took off her clothes for her. ok, it was just a shirt but still. Bitch, you married fucking stop taking off your clothes for someone else. I was in my room pacing around. Ok, I seriously need a distraction. I turned on the tv and saw SOFIA. Like it was videos and photos of us from earlier from the race.

Damn, she looks hot riding that bike. I bit my lower lip looking at the photos. And the fire in her eyes when she lost. Hot damn! Ok, this is not a good distraction this is just turning me on. I shook my head and turned off the TV. I took my phone and wore my headphones playing Maroon 5 songs.

"But I miss you and that denim jacket
I let you get away
I let you get away" I started singing and dancing around in the room as I looking around in the closet going through my old stuff. I found my old school uniform. God, I looked so dumb in it. Oh My God the softball bat! I use to play softball when I was in school before I started running away.

"Do you still wear the denim jacket?
I let you get away
I let you get away" I found a photo album going through it. there were photos of me and Elli. I had a soft smile on my face as I looked through them. there were photos of us since we were born.

"You're standing there with your cigarette (yeah)
Looking at me like we've never met" there was a photo of us when we were 18 when we had gone for a vacation. I was sitting on his shoulder. I remember he had picked me up as we were racing to the waters and then he threw me in it. it was one of the last vacations we both took together before he got busy with royal duties and me with fucking my life up. I looked through a few more photos and then kept the photo album aside as I was going to start crying again if I keep looking at it. I saw a small red box with a note stuck to it. whats this? It wasn't here when I had left.

I opened the note. it said 'Happy Birthday Twin, I Love You- Elli' he must have left there here before he found out ran away. I opened the box when a bunch of paint was sprayed on my face "FUCK" I yell. "You idiot your literally pulling pranks on me from beyond the grave" I yelled and then started laughing shaking my head. I kept the box aside and took off my dress as it's covered with paint.

I put the music's on the speaker turning it on all the way up. Then going to that a shower. Cleaning off the paint on my face and hands. I turned around to take a towel but there wasn't any so I just walked into my room naked.

"But if you run away
I won't be alright" I started singing along to the song as I wiped myself with a towel and wrapped it around my chest.

"Even if the sun crashes into us
I won't let go, I won't let go
And I can be your light" I took my hairbrush pretending it was a mic I sang into it moving around, Swaying my hips.

"Stay with me tonight
I won't let go, I won't let go
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, yeah yeah yeah" I felt like someone is watching me, So I quickly turned around to spot Sofi near the door with a smile on her face. all of a sudden at that moment my towel dropped.

"Fuck!" I mutter and hide behind the first thing I could find, which was the curtains. She just started laughing. "What are you doing here?" I asked her trying to stay pissed but she looked so cute when she laughed.

"I stay here too" she smirked as she plops on to the bed as she took the remote and turned down the music.

"Will you give me the towel?" I said pointing at the one on the floor.

"Oh sure," she picked it up and kept it almost in my reach but pulled away a little as I went for it.

"SOFI," I said sternly.

"Ok ok take it," she said but did the same thing.

"Fuck you!" I said

"Well only if you wanna," she said with a smirk as she plopped back on to the bed staying up on her elbows.

"Why your ex-didn't give you some after I left? You were literally all over her" I said annoyed and a bit jealous. That smirk she had on her face wasn't helping with it either. "stop smirking" I said through gritted teeth.

"Make. Me" she said biting her lower lip and the smirking. Why is she doing this to me? Why does she want to drive me crazy? I could see the challenge in her eyes and if I stared at them any longer I think I would do something dumb.

"Fuck it" I muttered and just came out from behind the curtains. Making Sofia's jaw drop I took that chance to take the towel from her. Warping it around my body, I walked into the wardrobe and changed into a dress. When I came back, I saw Sofi still at the same spot texting someone on her phone and smiling. It must have been that bitch Jasmine. She looked up and saw me, so she shoved her phone in her pocket.

"So what's the plan for the day?" she asked me turning to her side facing me.

"No plan, we can't be seen in the public. Well, not more than we already have been seen" I told her as unless she signs the papers it would still hurt my reputation to be seen roaming around with girls.

"Why does it matter? I'm officially your wife" she shrugged.

"What do you mean officially?" I asked her confused.

"Other than the marriage certificate, I signed the contract and gave it to Miguel to give it to your lawyer," she said.
"You know that means you can't divorce me for the next 10 years right?" I asked and she nodded "I don't need you half in half out with that ex of yours. You can't have a random hook up" I said and she chuckled.

"Yes, I know that" she nodded "I read the whole thing on my way back here and then signed it."

"Ok, but still there aren't any plans for the night. We are just having dinner at home" I shrugged, she nodded and laid on her back. She had that look the one she always had in the café when she was thinking about something or trying to solve the crossword from the daily paper.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked her. why was she doing this? she doesn't know me like I'm just some random girl who use to serve her coffee. She could have broken off the marriage easily. It's not like she's here for my money. She has enough of it herself. Sure she likes me but you don't marry someone with just like. You need to love that person.

"What do you mean?" she asked me.

"Why are you staying married to me? why did you just sign those paper? why would you, just get up and move your entire life for some girl you just met?" I said as I leaned on the doorframe.

She got up and stared right in my eyes as she walked towards me "Cause Eleanor Tovar you're not just some girl. You're the girl. The first day I walked into that café you took my breathe away with that beautiful smile of yours." She said as she came closer and I moved backwards. But with no space to go, I was stuck between her and the doorframe.

"You're the one that makes me nervous, Your everything I ever dreamt of," she said licking her lips a little. I couldn't resist as my body did what it wants. Leaning in slowly as my hands moved to her neck. Our faces inches away. "But as you said we need to be friends to make this marriage work for the next 10 year," she said with her hand on my waist holding me where I was. The last line hit me. Shit! What am I doing?

I moved back, getting out of the hold all flustered. My cheek red as a tomato and my heartbeat through the roof. I took a deep breath "I- I'm going to go check on the- something" I said and walked out of the room. Taking deep breaths. As I left the room I saw a hint of a smirk and a satisfied look on her face.

What did just happen? Did she just do that on purpose? Was this a game for her? It is on Sofia Reofer. It is on.

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