Chapter 39

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Ella's POV

I walked into Sofia's room and she smiled. I went and gave her a kiss. We were in our bedroom? I looked around confused. Sofia looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

I just shook my head and kissed her again that's when I felt something wet on my hand I looked down to see it was blood. Sofia started to choke as blood started to come out of her mouth.

I put pressure on her wound, but when I tried to scream for help nothing happened. I continuously tried to scream for help but nothing would come. Finally when something come out, Sofia's body just sunk into the bed slowly. I tried to pull her back up but it was getting too heavy to hold. Next second I know I was falling down a black hole. I tried to hold on to Sofia's body but it kept getting further into the darkness.

I jolted me awake. I looked around to see Jazz was the one shaking me. Franc and Kat looked at me concerned. "I'm fine" I said as I cleared my throat Kat got me a glass of water and I drank the whole thing, she then poured another glass for me and I slowly sipped on it.

"When did you guys come in?" I asked. I got up and wore my shoes. Looking at the mirror and tying up my hair. Making myself look presentable.

"We just got here like 10 minutes ago." Kat spoke up.

"Jazz where is my phone?" I asked her as I looked around for it. "And my wedding ring?" I said fidgeting with my finger. She walked into the bath room and got me all my things. She had a few pieces of paper, my wedding ring, watch, credit card and my phone. I called up Miguel as I wore my wedding ring and watch.

As soon as he picked up "Hello Your Majesty"

"We need a press conference" I said as I looked outside the window to find a lot of paps.

"Yes ma'am, we have already scheduled one you don't need to worry about it. I will be speaking and releasing the statement. I just need you to approve it." He said.

"You don't have to speak for me just move the press conference in the hospital conference room. I will read the statement myself. Can you please message me the statement? Also let the press you are calling know that I will not be taking questions." I said that and hung up before Miguel could protest.

"Ella.." I turned around to find it was Franc.

"Can you guys point me to the Doctor?" I asked.

"Skye and Amber had gone to talk to the doctor we told them that you were awake so they are coming here with him.
As if on cue Skye and Amber walked in with the doctor. The doctor did a little bow and said "Your Majesty" I shook his hand.
"How's my wife's condition?" I asked as I sat on the single couch chair.

"She just got out of the Surgery, ma'am. It went well we were able to repair the damage and close her with sutures. We are going to keep her in ICU for overnight observation. She should be waking up in the next hour or so." He said and I nodded.

"Very well thank you doctor. Can I go visit her?" I asked I stood up.

"Yes ma'am," he said as he started to lead the way towards the room. "but I would like to warn you that she will look very pale cause of the loss of blood. She also has a tube in her chest that is there to remove any excess blood collected in her lungs and she had a tube down her throat which is helping her breath. Don't worry as soon as she will be awake and is able to breathe on her own it will be out" he said and pointed towards the door. "Just be careful of the wires" he said as I was entering. I nodded and enter to find a Very pale Sofia lying on the bed attached to 10 different machines. I slowly walked towards her and took a deep breath. I kissed her forehead. That's when my phone pinged. I open my phone up to see it was Miguel.

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