"Miguel just sent me a press release statement" I smiled and started to read it "Princess Sofia and I were on a family vacation when our house was invaded. Prince Zale was with us, but as soon as we found out about the house not being safe he was transported to the palace in a different vehicle. Sofia and I decided to come to the hotel where a sniper shot her. The gun man is in custody being questioned at this moment. Sofia was taken into surgery insert doctors diagnostic?" I looked at the speech questioningly. "Oh like he means to put in what the doctor said." I said and then started typing in as I read what I typed. " ahhhh where it was revealed her heart is on the right? Ok maybe I shouldn't disclose that" I said and erased it. "Where it was discovered that she had a pulmonary laceration... yes I know fancy doctor words" I said looking at Sofia. "ok so she had a pulmonary laceration caused by the bullet that went through her lung. The doctors then did a surgery to repair the damage and now she is in recovery" I said as I stopped typing and looked at her Sofia. "Ok I will read whatever Miguel has sent after that... I thank the amazing doctors who operated on my wife and saved her life.

At this moment I would like to demand privacy for my family." I snorted at the last part. "Like that is going to happen." I sighed after a moment. "I should go and give this speech. I was also thinking to tell Sonny to have the Romanian Mafia investigate? Like they would be a help too. I'm sure they are already investigating." I said as I texted Sonny the same. He replied back with a thumbs up. There was another message, it was a photo. I opened it to see a photo of Zee. He was in the bath playing with his rubber duck. I smiled "Well at least Zee is doing fine."

I got up gave Sofia a kiss on her forehead. "Your sister, my sister, Jazz and the Princesses are here. Jazz was apparently here for a business thing. She took care of me. shes.....sweet and nice I guess not the bitch she makes herself out to be." I chuckled. "I'm going to be back in a few" I said. Kisses her hand again and walked out. I looked at my own reflection on the door. Fixing my dress. As soon as I walked out I found everyone waiting for me.

"She's not awake yet keep an eye on her im going to the press conference." I said and walked away. They looked at each other as I turned the corner and walked towards the elevator. As I was waiting for the elevator. Franc, Skye and Kat came and stood next to me.

"Where is Bella?" I asked as we entered the elevator.

"She's...We haven't told her yet." Franc said.

"You know she's is going to kill us right" I said with a small smile on my face.

"Oh we don't expect anything less" Kat said. The elevator doors opened and there were Paps near the lobby. As soon as they saw us cameras started flashing at the speed of lighting. I wore my sunglasses. I walked toward the make shift stage. I tapped on the mic to see if it was on and it was.

"Hello everyone, I would like to first tell all of you that I won't be answering any of you questions other than just giving my statement here. Princess Sofia and I had decide to take a weekend trip to her family home outside the city limits. We soon realized the house was invaded by some people so we got out of there. Sending Prince Zale to the palace and we both headed to the Hotel cause of the protocols. When we were in Sofia's office a sniper shot her. The gun man is in custody being questioned at this moment. Sofia was taken into surgery, where it was discovered that she had a pulmonary laceration caused by the bullet that went through her lung. The doctors then did a surgery to repair the damage and now she is in recovery. I thank the amazing doctors who operated on my wife and saved her life.

At this moment I would like to demand privacy for my family. Thank You" I said and then put my phone in my pocket. As I started to walk away I heard someone yell out "Does this unfortunate event have to do anything with the disturbance that happened at the market just outside city limits?" I didn't even acknowledge the question just walked in. Kat, Franc and Skye looked at each other but didn't say anything till we got in the elevator.

"What was he talking about?" Kat asked. "I thought this was a simple assassination attempt." Franc add.

"It was a kidnapping attempt have turned into an assassination but Sofia wasn't the target.

"What?" Skye looked at me confused. The elevator door opened and we all walked towards the ICU, only 1 person was allowed in the room at a time. Amber was with Sofia as Jazz was on a call with someone. She saw us coming and hung up.

"Bella is her way and she is planning to kill you all." She said as she walked closer to us. Franc looked at me confused "Ella I know this is not the right time but you need to tell us everything that happen." Franc said as Jazz realized What was going on and knocked on the Sofis room door calling Amber out.

"Well we were at her family house coming back from the lake we realized someone had invaded the house so first things first we told Sonny to take Zale away. Sofia had her guns on her we both circled the house to find Chief shot in the surveillance room. That where we saw Zee and Sonny getting abducted. Sofia and I ran outside got on a bike and followed them. Sofia called Darrius told him what was happening.

Then Sofia confronted them head on turns out they were some other mafia men that were hired and she but the conversation she had on the phone had dated they're main bosses daughter and had good relation with him. He kinda threatened him. He sent the middle guy to that location. She shot one of the guys, they other guy begged for his life. We took him to the hotel to interrogate him. As Zee was sent to the palace for his safety." I said down on the chair. The whole time my voice was monotone like I was telling them the news I had read.

"When Sofia was investigating him some sniper shot the guy in the head who was told to do the kidnapping. That bullet went through his head and hit Sofia." I said as I then looked at my watch and then up at them.

Amber didn't say a word and just left. Franc looked at her and just took a deep breathe like there was no way to stop what was above to happen.

"Vale?" Jazz said and Franc nodded. Jazz sighed and left.

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