"Hey, to make it fair you actually called your ex" woody said walking in and sitting on Jazz's lap.

"Hey I thought you were my best friend," I said acting hurt.

"I'm but you know I love me some Jazz," she said with a wink.

"Everyone wants a piece of me" Jazz chuckled and add "And there is nothing wrong with a little bite" that's when Sofia walked in. She kissed Amber and Jazz's forehead before coming and sitting next to me.

The conversation was flowing smoothly about Jazz's wedding prep. It's been a while since anyone checked up on the baby. "I will be right back," I said as I got up and walked inside. I asked chief where the toddler was and he said "the baby is with Sonny in the guest bedroom ma'am" I nodded and asked him to lead the way.

I walked in to see Sonny out of his blazer with his shirt sleeves rolled up as he laid on the floor playing with the baby. "Afternoon Ma'am," he said getting up as soon as he saw me.

"How is he?" I asked as I sat down on the floor Indian style. "how is the baby doing?" I asked in my baby voice this time it was directed to the baby as I tickled him as he let out the cutest little laugh.

"He's doing well ma'am" Sonny answered.

"You're doing great aren't you doing great" I continued talking in my baby voice to the baby. I lifted him up and made him sit on my lap as I playing with a ring like a thing with different colours of keys on it. he was entertained by it for 2 seconds before throwing it away. Now he was picking on my wedding ring.

"well you have a good eye," I said chuckling "this is a wedding ring that momma got..."I quickly got out of my baby voice mode "did I just say, momma?"

"Yes, ma'am you did" I looked up to see sonny still standing there.

"Um... I'm going to go" I said as I quickly got up and gave the baby to Sonny.

That was weird. It was weird, wasn't it? am I overreacting? No, I can't be overacting? Calling your wife momma of to a kid you just met is weird, right? Like he ain't even yours.
I walked back up to see everyone in they're swimwear.

"You ok?" Woodie asked me as I entered the deck.

"Yeah yeah just need a drink," I said quickly putting up a smile on my face. I poured myself a shot of whisky and downed it. Picking up a glass of champagne after that I walked back to the group. Where they were arguing about something. How do I know this? cause Kat, Jazz, Franc and Woodie were too into it whereas Skye, Amber and Sofia just laughed at their childishness.

"What you going talking about?" I asked as I sat down.

"ok, you should know it's your boat how long of a dive is it from here to the water?" Kat asked me excitedly.

"Looking at the structure I would say 70 or 75 ft," I said eyeballing a number.

"Ok then I'm out" Jazz to which Kat and Franc gave each other a look and said at the same time "Same"

"I'm not doing it alone," Woodie said slouching in her seat.
"Wow you guys are a bunch of pussies," I said chuckling. by looking at the conversation I think they were talking about jumping off the top deck.

"Well if you are so brave why don't you jump," Jazz said thinking I would back out too.

"Ok, but what would I get if I jump?" I asked her leaning forwards this interested everyone as the moved forwards excitedly.

"Well let's see what I have," she says and starts digging through her purse.

"I don't want something you own, ok how about if I make the jump you got to Yell out ' Princess Eleanor Tovar is my Savior' for the next 5 times we meet?" I asked her with a smirk.

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