"I understand and Miguel already told me this," she said.
"ok then" I nodded and looked around the table for the papers Miguel had got me. "here you go," I said giving her the papers "it's a contract make your lawyer's go through them if you want," I said.

"What kinda contract is this?" she looked at me confused.

Sofia's POV

"it's a contract that states that if we ever wanted to get divorced it would only be possible after 10 years, you can't publicly talk about the Royal Family Affairs unless you after asked by the Queen. That would be me" she said pointing at herself. "You are expected to maintain a certain standard when you are out in public and so on," she said. I-I can't believe this is the girl I had been crushing over for months.

It's like there was some switch and it was flip as soon as we got here. All the attraction and the liking just disappeared.
"I will tell my lawyer's to go over it," I said with my jaw clenched. "Can I ask you something?" I said. she nodded motioning me to continue. "Did you like me?" I asked her straightforward. I could see wheels turning in her brain. Like she was having a war inside her mind. She took a deep breath and answered.

"I don't have the luxury to go where my heart leads me. Cause if we started this" she pointed at both of us "sure there is a chance of success but there is also a chance of failure. I would like to keep the next 10 years running smoothly so us being friends would be a better option." That was a fucking diplomatic answer. Like she didn't really answer my question but kinda did answer it.

"Ok," I said picking up the documents and left the office. Miguel stopped me to tell Sonny was here. I was already dressed I decided to go check out the hotel and set up over there. "where is he?" I asked Miguel.

"He's downstairs," he said. I just nodded and left making my way downstairs. Fucking palace, I almost got lost again.
"Is all my work-related stuff here?" I asked him as I started to walk outside.

"Yes," Sonny said as he followed me.

"Is my bike here?" I asked him again.

"Yes ma'am," he said and fished out a pair of keys from his pocket. I walked outside to see only cars.

"Where is my bike?" I asked sonny confused. He just shrugged, not knowing himself. There were 2 guards standing outside. I asked them "Where's my bike?"

"All the vehicles are in the garage but you can't take the bike out as it ain't safe," he said.

"says who?" I asked him getting angrier by every minute.
"Your Highness." He said.

"Well, tell her to try and stop me!" I said as I fast walked towards the garage, which I had no clue where it was. I just followed the line of cars finally spotting my bike. Getting on I wore my helmet. I looked at Sonny and asked, "Which hotel is all the stuff at?"

"The first one, Heaven's," he said. I had gone to all the major hotels so I knew which one he was talking about. "Meet me there" I closed my face shield and started my bike. Speeding outside but being stopped at the gates as they were still closed. I squeezed the brake and accelerated making a loud roaring sound and the pebbles under the tire thrown in the air. They still didn't open the gates. I removed the helmet. "Opened the gates before I ride my bike through them," I said pissed off.

"They won't cause I have told them not to" I heard Ella say as a Ferrari stopped beside me.

"Then tell them to open them cause I need to get out of here," I said pissed and she could sense it. she sighed.

"Sofia you can't ride around in a bike at least over here. It ain't safe for you," she said.

"Eleanor I have handled bigger and crazier shit than this. I can handle myself." I said, "So tell them to open the door before I literally drag those gates with me as I go out." I added.

"Ok let make a deal." She said and I nodded telling her to continue. I just needed to get out of here. "We will race to wherever you work and if you win you can roam around in your bike." She shrugged "but if I win you're not riding this bike ever again in this city." She said and I nodded confidently knowing I'm going to win. "Deal?" she moved her hand forward for me to shake.

"Let's do this," I said without shaking her hand instead I wore my helmet. She just gave me a smug look. Telling the guards to open the gates. "you know the hotel in the central market. Heaven's?" I asked her and she nodded. "that's the finish line," I said and shut my face shield. Squeezing my brake as I turned my accelerator. Burning my tires and creating smoke. One of the guards stood between us looking scared for his life by the fear of being run over. I looked on at Ella and she had a pair of sunglasses on now with that smug look.




Just a Royal MessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora