"She is also a complete stranger for crying out loud," Franc said.

"Well, the person I marry will also be a complete stranger. So I prefer that complete stranger over some other complete stranger." I shrugged.

"ok," franc sighed "so the only thing we got to do is find her" she added.

"What's her name?" Skye asked.

"Denisa Reofer" as soon as I said that Amber choked on her drink. Franc started rubbing her back with a confused look.

"Why does that name sound familiar?" Skye asked. I just shrugged.

"Do you know her full name? or like where she's from? Or like what she does? Or how she looks?" Amber asked after she drank a little water which had calmed her down.

"Well she handles a chain of hotels," I said trying to remember more things. "She's from Romania I think cause she said she moved a lot but then settled in Romania to work for her uncle. The owner of the hotels. She's a blond" I said still trying to remember her full name "Oh her full name Denisa Sofia Reofer" I said finally remembering the name. when I said that Franc just started laughing like a maniac. Skye and Kat both looked at Franc like she had lost it and Amber just had covered her face with her hands.

"Franc why are you laughing?" Kat asked her.

"Kat I know you have been bad with names but Skye you should know who she's talking about," franc said as she had now stopped laughing. "who do you think that description sound like?" franc said and Skye's face soon lit up she whispered something into Kat's ear

"Oh My God! You can't be serious" Kat gasped.

"Guy, will you tell me what is soooo interesting about this girl? Do you'll know her?" I asked confused.

"Well, Mafia is your department Amber," Skye said confusing me even more.

"Hey she's Franc's ex," Amber said.

"But she is practically your dad's daughter AKA your sister," Franc said.


"you fucking idiot just married Denisa Sofia Reofer, Legally the owner of multi-million dollar hotel chain, but she is also to some people in the underground world known by her middle name Sofia, the right-hand man and also the adoptive daughter of Romanian Mafia Head," Franc said.

"Also shes Franc's EX" Amber added.

"Wait! what?" I got up from my seat and started pacing around.

"How don't you remember her? shes the one who I found out was conning Franc and then we went to Franc's yacht to confront her" Skye said confused when it hit me. this is why I always felt like I had seen her somewhere.

"Me being high on cocaine might have something to do with that" I sighed remembering I was very much high when I had gone to meet Skye. I don't even know why I had gone to met Skye or what we spoke about.

"God seriously," Franc said.

"Dad is not going to be happy" Amber sighed "or maybe he will be he has been trying to get her to settle down" she shrugged.

"wait that means you were in Italy all this time?" Franc said.
"pretty much" I shrugged "ok if you guys are done call her up?" I asked them and both of them nodded. Franc pulled out her phone and called her up.

"She's not picking up" she sighed.

"I think Vale was supposed to meet her today I will call him," Amber said and called Vale. Whoever that may be.

"hey are you with Sofi?....oh ok....omg....ok..bye," she said and kept the phone.

"what's wrong?" I asked her quickly.

"His plans cancelled cause Sofia is in a very bad mood, he said something along the lines of her throwing a table out of the hotel window," she said chuckling.

"why you laughing?" I asked confused.

"cause your screwed." She said.

"well, that I am." I sighed leaning back into the couch.

"well, we got to go. we got 3 kids to take care of" Skye said.

"Oh yeah, it fine," I said and got up with them. giving Skye and Kat a hug.

"I guess we should get going to" Franc smiled sadly.
"call us if you need anything," Amber said and gave me a hug.
"and say hello to your new wife for me," Franc said as she wrote down something on a piece of paper. "her number" she smiled and gave the piece of paper to me. kissing my forehead she soon left. I slacked back into the couch formulating a game plan. when Miguel walked in.

"anything I can get you princess?" he asked.

"Well, a plane to Italy," I said getting up.

"when do you wanna leave?" he asked.

"now," I said as I walked to my room. Changing into a black pantsuit. I need to wear black for at least the next 1 week. Coming out of the room I saw Miguel standing there.

"Can I ask why are we going to Italy?" he asked walking a few steps behind me.

"to see if my wife wants to be a queen," I said. when we got out I saw a lot of paps still there. "and Miguel can we make sure this is kept on a low-key" I said looking at the paps and putting on my shades.

"yes Princess," he said closing the door after I got in. He got in the front seat himself and started driving.

Just a Royal Messحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن