And Catrina, too?

Where is here? Why is everyone talking as if I’m already dead? My body rebels against my mind, remaining stubbornly still.

“We don’t know what it’ll do to her, Levi.” Ryker argues. “It could kill her.”

“Or,” Levi’s accent wraps beguilingly around the two letter word, “it could save her.”

“You and I both know how angry she’ll be with us for making this decision for her. I know she doesn’t want to try this if she has to.”

“Would you rather she died instead? Then nothing she dreams of will come to fruition.” Frustration bleeds into Levi’s words. “This is the next step. It’ll determine how much they can repair.”



What’s wrong with me? Someone please tell me what’s going on? I don’t understand what’s happening.

“Fine,” Ryker sighs. “Let’s say we do this: what happens?”

“We inject the nanites through the femoral artery. Based on Blue’s calculations, it should take anywhere from 30 to 75 seconds for them to flood her system. From there, they target injured areas and repair as they go.”

“Will she feel anything?”

Levi falls silent, but when he answers, a lie crosses his lips.

“She’ll experience minor pain.”

“Don’t lie to me, Fernandez.” Ryker calls him out on it instantly. “What will Blue feel?”

“Patients in prior cases reported experiencing everything from mild discomfort to extreme pain. There’s no way to tell what Blue will feel until we inject.”

“I don’t like this, Levi. I don’t want her in pain.”

“She’s in pain right now, Ryker.”

Levi’s right. The piercing is dulled, more a throb settling deep within my bones and muscles. Sadly, I cannot move and I cannot open my eyes. 

I’m alone in the mournful darkness.

And I’m scared.

What feels like hours later, Ryker relents.

“Fine. Give her the nanite burst.”

“Good. I’ll get Dr. Jackson in here for the injection. You’ll have to—”

“If you’re about to suggest I leave the room while you inject my daughter with experimental technology, you will wish you’d never been born.”

He’s not speaking to me, but a shiver of fear slides up my spine. Ryker Daniels is not to be fucked with. Though he’s cleaned up his act, the man I call father is known in many circles and everyone side steps him to avoid confrontation. 


“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Levi rasps. His shoes click on the floor as he paces away and somewhere to my right a door opens and shuts. Alone with Ryker, the tension in my body recedes away, but the pain remains.

“I don’t know if you can hear me, kid, but I’m right here. I won’t leave you alone. I’m so sorry I didn’t get to you in time. When you wake up, we—what the hell are you doing in here?”

Softly, the door clicks shut and a pair of determined steps make their way to my side. Perfume, lavender and fresh laundry, wafts over me. I welcome the scent, eager to be away from the sharp gusts from harsh cleaning products.

The Six: Genesis | A Reverse Harem NovelWhere stories live. Discover now