Chapter 34

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Amira's POV

     We just got back to the capital from travelling early morning. It was a shame I couldn't stay at the beach house a little longer to spend breakfast with her atleast but knowing I have already fallen behind of the Line Up, we were immediately called to depart and get ready for the final examination.

   "I greet the Sun and Moon of the empire. Emperor Alaric and Queen Olive." I spoke and bowed down to show respect.

  "I heard you were injured, dear." The Queen spoke. Though she called me with such endearment, she clearly sound no remorse nor did she feel bad for the situation.

  "She did?" The Emperor asked, cluelessly. I guess he doesn't know about what happened yet.

   "Why?" He asked, but instead of the Queen answering to his question, I did.

  "A minor accident occured back at the manor but rest assured, it will not affect my eligibility to serve the palace well, Your Imperial Highness." I lowered my head. I guess I really did need the rest because I didn't feel stinging pain or anything. Just some slight discomfort when I move my leg but it didn't affect my composure on walking like a lady.

  "A scratched lady worth nothing, just like an old cracked teapot. Broken and worthless. There's no use serving with that on parties when the crack is evident, no? Not pretty to look at.  Which is why you're lucky you can hide that crack under your dress." I looked at Moon who had a rigid facial expression, it was as if she was holding back from strangling the Queen infront of her father.

  "You need to watch your actions and take care of yourself or else you might find yourself on the garbage bin the next time around." She commented. If I was not mistaken, her remarks felt like threat to me.

  An old cracked antique?... Me? In the garbage bin?! Who on earth does she think she is?!

  "Surely a flawed lady can still do well even with no legs, Your Majesty. As long as she has a brain to think critically of what's more important instead of mindlessly insulting anyone with little to no care. I think I'd prefer being a broken teapot then so people could easily conclude that I was not treated with care inside the house. The leaks on the crack could tell a lot."

   Moon's eyes widened and looked at me. I don't know where the courage came from but the Queen's displeasure sure do satisfy me as she gasped in shock. I'm beyond furious, she's looking down on me so bad and she wasn't even subtle about it!

  "How can this wench be so disrespectful to me!" she exclaimed. 

" I was not disrespectful, my queen. I didn't know my words could hit you like this." I replied, trying to remain composed and calm. "If so I'd like to apologize for saying that..." I added.

  "What clownery is this, husband?! Do something about it!" She screamed.

  "... Like what?" The Emperor rose a brow. My mouth fell to the floor. Why do I feel like their relationship has gotten a little rocky since we got here?

  "I was disrespected by her!" She screamed.

  "She didn't mention it was you, did she?" He responded.
  "I... I..." Girly was literally stuttering.

Still I couldn't even look at the Emperor. Dang it, I literally forgot he was there!

  "Anyways, Allow us to retire as we had a long travel back to the capital." I turned to Moon who had her hands clutching around my waist.

  "I will allow you to do so, Moon. However, I need to have a word with you after talking to the administrators and the Queen." The Emperor massaged his temples and and looked at the Queen with displeasure.

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