Chapter 7

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Amira's POV

    I feel like I'm about to pee my pants as we finally have the glimpse of the tall unclimbable golden gates. I have decided to join the banquet...unprepared. That's right, you heard me. Un-pre-pared.

  I'm in my trusty ripped jeans and a plain black tee while this human being beside me wore such elegant combo. A milky long sleeved silk blouse and white trousers. To top it off, she chose a pair of white leather shoes. A godly-looking motherf*cker right there, crossing her legs and looking out the car window animatedly.

   I on the other hand felt like my whole body is shaking. If I were a maraca, I would've made loud noises not too long ago. It's an uncontrollable thing, my legs are visibly shaking as I looked in and out of the window from time to time, almost asking the driver to make the ride a little slower.

 A firm hand abruptly placed it's way on my leg causing me to jump in surprise.

 "Can you stop shaking your legs like that? It's distracting." she stated with a furrowed brow. I unconsciously gulped in fear.

   Her warm hand is already wrapped around my leg! At this point instead of a shaky leg I felt like a hardened statue sitting on the car seat. I froze down to my toes. Her scent is not helping!

 "C-Can you... get your hand off my leg for a minute?" I asked as I try to calm myself down. "If I let go, you're gonna shake like a little chihuahua." I closed my eyes in exasperation. 

 I do not mean to be perceived as gay or anything but dang her cologne is definitely 'sugar daddy' material. Just saying.

"Don't be too nervous. We're burning the house down with your presence." She sounds like she's literally gonna burn the house down!

  When we finally arrived, I felt like a rusty boat in a see of luxurious looking yacht. People or should I say, noble people are starting to look at me like some crazy b*tch who got lost and happen to 'accidentally' entered the palace. The place itself is intimidating and screaming at me to 'get lost peasant!'.

 I felt her push my back to take a step forward. "You better do your best." she whispered and entwined my hand with her's. People in the area were looking at us like we're crazy as we walked inside. Even the maids and butlers were startled at my presence.

 "Good morning, Your Imperial Highness, Moon." Everyone greeted her with a curtsy. This time she had her hand tightened around my arm so I wont repeat the same embarrassment back at the Chateux.

  "Good morning. How is the Emperor and the Queen faring?" she asked. "They did not know you'd arrive early in the morning Your Highness. Shall I inform them of your arrival now?" the head maid asked as we walked inside the palace. I could not pay attention to their conversation as I looked around in awe of the place. This place really is a heaven on earth. I see gold and luxurious paintings everywhere. Not to mention the painted ceiling, hands down. The best view to see.

 The best view to see

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 Cars Over Crowns 101 (A MAMAMOO Moonbyul-yi Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang