Chapter 10

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Amira's POV

     I managed to survive the entire day of the banquet. The queen was in her best behavior which makes it easy for me to go along with my day. I have not met the birthday celebrant yet because Moon suddenly had something urgent to do and dragged me along with her, not bothering to wait for her half sister.

  I mean I have seen her in the street parade once but that's just it. She was just as emotionless as Moon and waving animatedly. I could not get a better view at that time because I was merely just watching from the library window.

  I did want to see her up close but I had to be with Moon all the time as she excused herself from the Emperor and the Queen. She's suddenly in a hurry.

  When we went inside the room, I froze when she quickly unbuttoned her shirt and slid it off while I just stood there in complete shock with my jaw already on the floor.

I'm contemplating whether I should cover my eyes or to look away. Did she really mean what she said back at the party?! I-I'm not ready- I.. I mean, this was not in the discussion!

 "Your Majesty- I.. I mean Moon, Isn't this a little..." I trailed as I tried to look elsewhere and nervously scratched my nape out of nervousness. This was not part of the plan now, Is it?

 "Lay on the bed." she commanded. My eyes widened upon hearing her. "A-Are you sure about this?" I felt my cheeks suddenly burning up at such a bold request. I couldn't even bring myself to look up at her when she's half naked. I promise, I was not looking at her black bra or something. I don't know what Moon's lacey black bra looks like I-I mean—What?

  My mouth felt dry. Maybe I'm a little dehydrated or something.

" Don't make me repeat what I say Amira. On the bed. Now." she said, firmly. I swallowed a lump forming in my throat as I steadily slid myself on the bed with my hands clasped together on my chest. This is.. a little embarrassing.

 "Good." she said before turning over to get something from her drawer. What is she trying to do? Why am I here? Why is my heart beating strangely today? I mentally thought to myself as she proceeds to take out a dufflebag and dropped it on the bed. I almost jumped in surprise.

  I'm not a pervert okay but I didn't know I also have to tend for Her Highness Moon's kinky desires. What do I do? I may be already a mother but still, I am inexperienced...and.. and rusty.

 "Your Ma..jesty this is.."

 "Now, Choose what you want me to wear tonight." My eyes literally popped out of their sockets. Is she talking about the s..strap?!

  "W-What to wear?!" I covered my face as I felt my face in the brink of blowing up. Dear Lord, Why is she like this? Is this part of the plan? I think I'm about to pass out! She stopped for a second and looked at me with creased forehead and crossed her arm.

 "Amira, What's with that reaction and why are your face red over a racing suit?"


 "I'm asking you if you prefer this racing suit or this one." she suddenly pulled out two variations of her suit. One that happens to be purple with neon green sequins and one that's black with dark purple stripes on the side.

 "O-Ohh.." Good lord, I almost made myself die of heart attack! "T-The black one with the purple stripes." I meekly replied. She nodded her head and took off her pants hastily as if she's running out of time.

"I'm going on a race so you stay in this room and sleep. Do not come out until I get home. Do you understand?" she said as she put on  I let out a deep breath as I looked at my feet already curling in embarrassment. What I just thought is very unacceptable. How do I even get my head right when she scares me like this?

 Cars Over Crowns 101 (A MAMAMOO Moonbyul-yi Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon