Chapter 14 - Vows

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The Minister for Magic organized a press conference the very next day.

Tom stood at a large, wooden podium with Harriet beside him as cameras flashed and feathery Quick-Quotes Quills flew across notepads while journalists hurled their questions at the prestigious couple.

"Minister Riddle! Minister Riddle! What prompted your decision to invite us here today?!"

"Harriet! Will you be returning full time to the Auror's Office soon?!?!"

"Harriet, over here!"

"Minister Riddle!"

"SILENCE!" Tom bellowed in one barbaric shout.

The ferocity of his cry put an instant end to the flurry of questions and quills.

A final, singular flash from a camera went off.

Tom glared in the direction of the bright light for a moment before he addressed the crowd, "Although I am certain you all have many inquiries, my wife and I have chosen to hold this conference today for exactly that relay important information."

Tom clutched Harriet's hand in his as hushed whispers of speculation circulated throughout the crowd.

"As you all know," He went on, "I have recently found myself facing several perils, but as with every other obstacle I've ever encountered, I am happy to announce that I've vanquished those hardships.....Perhaps I should say, Harriet Riddle and I have vanquished them together."

The crowd cheered as Tom lifted Harriet's hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss against her knuckles.

Slowly, the reporters regained their courage and one camera after another started to flash again.

"With that knowledge in mind," Tom went on, "I have called you here today to announce that Harriet Riddle and I will be renewing our vows one month from now."

Harriet blinked at her mate in shock.

Tom glanced at her out of the corner of his eye for a brief second before he turned towards the crowd again and spoke, "Dignitaries from all over the magical world will be invited! As a show of goodwill, we have generously decided to allow the rest of the populace a glimpse at this exclusive event. There will be two....and only access passes allotted. My wife and I will not sit for interviews that day, although we will allow photographs, provided they pose no interruption to the event itself.....If you are interested in obtaining one of the two media passes, please see my aides for more information on how to qualify."

Harriet couldn't help but laugh as the journalists' focus instantly shifted from her and Tom to the team of his aides that stood next to the platform.

She clasped a hand over her mouth as she watched the aides' eyes widen at the sudden rush of swarming reporters headed straight towards them with a barrage of pleas and demands.

Tom smirked at Harriet before he took her by the hand and escorted her up to his office.

The Minister for Magic had a surprisingly open schedule that afternoon.

While the reporters of magical Britain fought to gain access to what would soon become the most anticipated event in recent years, Tom Riddle gained access to his wife on the very desk that signified his position.


Harriet and Tom's vow renewal took place one week before her birthday.

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