Chapter 5 - Playing House

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

After Harriet finished retching, Tom guided her to lay down in her nest before he bolted out of the room, rushed downstairs, and hastily gathered the supplies he would need.

Tom Riddle could scheme extraordinarily quickly.

In the spanse of a mere few minutes, he already felt certain of how he would help his wife and pups.

Tom whirled around the kitchen as he gathered a small, pewter cauldron and the few necessary ingredients.

He hurriedly placed the needed items in the cauldron, sat the cauldron on the stovetop, and turned on the burner.

It only took a moment to bring the cauldron's contents to a boil.

As Tom stirred the brewing potion with a metal ladle, he grimaced as he heard the awful noise of his precious darling vomiting again upstairs.

It relieved him to know that Anti-Nausea Potion could be made in exactly fifteen minutes.

Besides his aptitude for the Dark Arts, Tom possessed a great amount of skill when it came to magical formulas as well.

Once the concoction had boiled to a harvestable point, Tom ladled a mouthful into one of the kitchen's last remaining clean cups and hurriedly glided up the stairs with the mixture.

He had thoughtfully added some lavender to the potion with the intention of giving his mate a pleasant nap while combating the unpleasant smell and taste of her stomach acid.

Harriet blinked as Tom rushed back into their bedroom holding the cup full of potion.

"Today's not a good swallowing day." Harriet warned him as he sat at her bedside and offered the cup to her.

"A single mouthful and your misery will end, my love." Tom said in a reassuring purr as he held the cup out to Harriet.

Her thin chest heaved as she pushed herself up and took a deep breath.

Tom could see the nervous hesitation in her emerald eyes as she stared at him, took the cup, and hesitantly lifted it to her lips.

"One small swallow......that's all it will take." He nodded as Harriet dared to tilt the cup and let the liquid inside of it tickle her lips.

Her symptoms were severe enough that as soon as the potion filled her mouth, she instantly felt the urge to gag.

Tom moved back as she lurched forward and bent over the porcelain bowl with her mouth open, ready to retch again at her body's incessant demand.

Harriet groaned as that awful wave of nausea slowly ebbed away without occurrence while Tom gently rubbed her back.

Once a moment of silence had passed, he asked Harriet in a quiet whisper, "........How are you feeling now, my love?"

"Better......a bit better." Harriet answered quietly as she realized she could swallow with ease. Tom watched her raise a hand to her head as she closed her eyes and mumbled groggily, "I am so very tired though.......all of a sudden. I'm usually exhausted, but now," He smirked as she paused to yawn, ".......I.......I'm really, really sleepy."

"Then go to sleep." Tom smirked as he let Harriet grasp his hand while he gently lowered her back onto the pillows of her nest.

"Why am I so sleepy?" Harriet asked as she yawned again.

"I added a bit of lavender to your Anti-Nausea Potion." Tom chuckled darkly as he lovingly pulled the covers up to her chest, "Rest, sweetling.....I'll watch over you while you sleep."

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