Chapter 4 - Daddy's Home

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Tom Riddle soared through the air in a hateful black ball of fury and fear.

He landed in a swirling mass of Dark Magic on the lawn outside the huge manor that he had shared with his wife.

Desperate to learn all that he could without delay, Tom steadied his breathing and placed his palms on his temples.

He thought of Harriet as he closed his eyes and murmured, "Legilimens."


Tom allowed his mind to travel freely forward and invade Harriet's as he used an advanced form of Legilimency to confirm her location and inquire about her well-being.

It had been largely accepted throughout the wizarding world that Tom Riddle was quite possibly the most talented Legilimens to have ever lived.

Harriet had no such talents in psychological magic.

Tom could read her like a book, which was why it shocked him all the more when his efforts at invading her thoughts rewarded him with.......nothing.

Instead of Harriet's musings or memories, Tom only found himself standing in a black room, with no light and no clues about his mate.

Entrenched in his Legilimency spell, Tom narrowed his eyes, looked around, and wondered where he could possibly have arrived?

Had he somehow been transported to Harriet's subconscious?

Fear gripped his heart as he took a hesitant step forward in that blackest black.

The dead had no thoughts to read, no memories to view, and no mental activity.

Surely Harriet couldn't be........dead?


Tom squinted his eyes as he noticed a vague outline in front of himself.

As he walked, the blackness became narrower and narrower until he was forced to crawl on his knees to continue.

His journey ended when the tight, black tunnel ended by narrowing into two seperate, small places, each no bigger than the width of his hand.

Without warning, a violent ripple passed through the blackness.

Tom felt himself writhe with it before he withdrew as a great cry escaped his lips.


He gasped as he opened his dark eyes to face his property with a deep scowl.

Tom marched determinedly towards the front door.

As he glanced up towards the large, arched windows that sat handsomely on the face of the grand house, he squinted at the cobwebs that clung to the glass.

Worry beat at this soul.

Cleaning spells were not particularly difficult to cast.

Few witches and wizards rarely lived in blatant filth.

Harriet was certainly not usually among them.

Once Tom reached the front door, he raised his hand and knocked as he called out, "Harriet?......Harriet, it is I, your mate, your husband, let me in!"

Tom removed his hand and waited.

Above the house, the sunlight silently faded away as grey clouds blew overhead.

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