Chapter 13 - Harriet's Heat

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Harriet's headache had become nearly as intense as her cramps once she laid down in her comfortable nest with a sigh.

She would have loved to have slept through the pain but as she rustled around, she discovered her own clamminess kept her from rest.

If she pulled the covers up to her chest, she felt nauseatingly hot.

If she threw them aside, she shivered from cold.

Harriet huffed as she impatiently rolled over and waited for Tom to come home.

As she closed her eyes and listened carefully, she could hear the faint sound of Merope's voice as it carried through the house, singing lullabies to her little ones to keep them pleasantly soothed.

Somewhere between the headache, the cramps, the scent of Tom on the sheets, and the hypnotizing hum of Merope's voice, Harriet drifted off into a mercifully blissful void of unconsciousness.


Merope had sealed herself within the nursery by the time Tom arrived home later that day.

He had noticed his wife's telltale signs over the previous week; the sweetness of her scent, the tenderness in her breasts, and the craving for chocolate she had displayed, but somehow.....Tom hadn't believed it could really be true.

He had read the same pamphlets and spoken with the same healthcare providers as his wife.

Surely then, it couldn't happen?

Surely Harriet couldn't actually have another heat while she still nursed their twins?

Tom's dark eyes widened as he stepped through the living room fireplace and found himself assaulted by a very familiar scent.

He began to salivate after he took his first delicious swallow of that decadent aroma.

Harriet......that was undeniably and irresistibly the scent of his mate!

Tom forced back the drool that collected in his mouth before he grit his teeth as he charged upstairs.

He passed by the twins' nursery like an angry shadow as his mother's gentle singing irrationally enraged him.

As he rushed down the hallway, he pulled his wand from his pocket and blasted the bedroom door open with a great cry.

It would have been simple for him to open the door with its knob, but his alpha instincts goaded him to use his magic, to destroy, to unleash his fury, to........

Harriet woke to the cacophonous noise of her husband's cry mingling with the door's sudden, violent swing.

She sat up in her nest with only her thin nightgown covering her while she stared at Tom as her bright, emerald eyes glowed.

Harriet gasped as she clamped a hand over her full breasts.

Tom kept his grip on his wand as he sneered at his darling, stepped through the door, and promptly shut it behind himself using an enchantment as he casually flicked his wrist.

Harriet watched the way he clenched his jaw as he flourished his wand again and called, "Silencio!"

Her heart skipped a beat in excited anticipation.

"Tom......." Harriet breathed as her husband stared down at her with a frown on his handsome face.

A thrilling coldness lurked in his dark eyes that made Harriet wish he would come closer.

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