Chapter 11 - A Welcome Visitor

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Tom tenderly cradled his newborns while Rewin assisted Harriet with the afterbirth.

A wide smirk curled his lips as he gazed down at the children he had spent years longing to hold in his arms.

Both babies scowled as they blinked up at him, confused about their new surroundings.

Tom took it upon himself to enlighten them as he marveled at the little lives born from his and Harriet's love.

"Hello....." He chuckled as he glanced between his son and daughter, "I'm your father, it's lovely to meet you both."

Tom watched his little boy put a finger into his mouth curiously as his little girl wriggled in the blankets that swaddled her.

As the twins whimpered, his alpha instincts screamed at him to see to his children's needs.

With his hands full and his mind racing, he clutched his babies tightly to his chest in an effort to keep them adequately warm.

"There's no need to be afraid, my little ones." Tom cooed to his infants as he kissed their tiny foreheads while their whimpers crescendoed.



"Minister Riddle!" Rewin called from behind Tom's shoulder as the twins' whines escalated into demanding wails, "I'm all finished, though I'll linger for a while longer in case I'm needed."



Tom turned around with a horrible scowl on his face while his twins shrieked their displeasure.

Harriet blinked at her husband as he opened his mouth and accused the midwife, "Keep your voice down! Look what you've done! You've startled them! Can you not see they're fragile?! Can you not see they're delicate?!"

"Tom!" Harriet snapped as she glared at her husband while their babies screamed.

Sore and tired, Harriet longed for her alpha to return her babies as she listened to them cry.

The instinctive urge to cuddle and care for her newborns seemed nearly suffocating.

"Minister Riddle, have I not provided your wife and infants with adequate care?" Rewin asked as her eyes moved from Tom to the babies.



He grit his teeth as she crossed her arms and sighed, "It isn't my voice that's prompted the babes to wail, sir, it's their desire for their mother."



Tom's scowl melted into a frown as he looked over at Harriet and noticed that she reached towards him with her trembling arms outstretched.

It struck him that his mate longed to hold their children even in her exhausted state.

Desperate to maintain his remaining dignity, Tom pushed aside his embarrassment and swiftly glided over to Harriet.

He deftly sat on the side of her nest and handed her their wailing infants while both babies continued to screech their annoyance.



Rewin couldn't help but smirk as she watched Tom, the stoic, powerful, Minister for Magic, protectively hover over his wife and infants while Harriet tried to discover how to comfortably hold both of their babies at once.

Daring Ambition: Tom Riddle's QuestNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ